

キリストの衣を着なさい 韓鶴子の新しい且つ古い創造原理







米国には,まだ僅かなプロテスタントの残滓,暴君と闘う愛国者達がいます.来週の日曜日(5月28日)の記念日に,3,000人の愛国者ライダーが, 65マイル(≒105km)を走ります.そこには,スモーキーマウンテン国立公園の素晴らしい眺めもあります.そして,驚くことに,TNソーンヒルの清平から僅か2.5マイル(≒4km)のクリンチマウンテンでの退役軍人らの見下ろしで終わります.次の日曜日の早朝の走行によって,鉄の杖ライダーが3000人の愛国者ライダーに繋がることは素晴らしいことです.



























韓鶴子の家庭連合幹部へのこの言質は,彼女が2019年3月25-26日に宣言した宣誓供述書と一致しています.そこで,彼女は,自分が承認していない文鮮明のあらゆる決定は,無効であると宣誓しました( https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/apologetics/hak-ja-hans-beliefs-as-revealed-under-oath).それは,金明大師(元牧会者OB協会副会長)による昨年の家庭連合幹部修練会の内容とも一致しています.そこで,彼は真のお父様文鮮明の教えの90%は偽りであると言いました(https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/apologetics/declaration-of-faith ).それは,金振春が2022年3月21日-4月7日に韓国の5つのリージョンにおいて語り,更に同4月17日に,家庭連合の世界中の代表者500名に対して語った韓お母様の指示とも一致しています.金振春によるこれらの言質は,2022年6月25日に,36家庭の長老,金栄輝師によって非難されています.



勿論,異形(dimorphous) であり主に女性である女神についての宗教的な教義は,全く新しいものではありません(https://mythology.net/egyptian/egyptian-gods/astarte/).神様はみ言を通して創造されたという聖書の啓示は,世界は男女の神々の性的な関係を通して創造されたと教えた古代の近東の宗教からの急進的な離脱でした.





유람선 크루즈관광선에 주요간부들 70명 정도를 태우고 한바퀴 돌고 난 뒤 천정원 식당 오찬 자리에서 이런 저런 지시를 한 후 나온 결론적인 말 !
« 또 한 가지 강조해야 될 것은 2세 3세를 찾아 세우는 것 중요해. 창조주 하늘 부모님의 본질 참부모의 사명이 무엇인가를 교육해야 해. 앞으로 너희들이 교육해야 될 것은 창조원리가 되는데 원리강론에서 설명하는 창조원리는 아니야.
창조주의 본질은 하늘 부모님이야. 생명의 원천은 어머님을 통해서 탄생이돼. 남성은 0.001% 어머니는 99.999% 하늘 부모님도 마찬가지야. 지금까지는 하늘 아버지로 소개되어 있어.
원리강론에는 이성 성상의 중화적 주체야. 이것 아니야. 그것 바로잡아야 해. 창조의 원칙 참부모의 사명 참부모의 책임이 무엇인가를 가르쳐야 해. 앞으로는 구약시대 신약시대 성약시대보다 천일국 시대에 말씀을 중심 삼고 교육해야 된다. 알겠나! 하늘 부모님을 모시고 사는 시대가 되었는데 그것 몰라서 되나. 그런 뜻에서 선배들 책임자들 재교육을 받아야 해. 그렇기 때문에 천심원섭리가 중요하다 할 수가 있어.
신앙의 뿌리가 되는 거야. 흔들리지 않는 신앙의 뿌리 자기가 스스로 체험해야 해 알겠어요. 그렇게 할 거지요! » 2023.05.18 아침부터 청평호수에서




さて最近,所謂LGBT理解増進法案(性的指向および性同一性に関する国民の理解増進に関する法律案)なるものが,与野党から議員立法として提出されて,国会の審議待ちになっています.自公,立民・共産,維新・国民がそれぞれ提出したようです.特に,自民の合同会議にて審議が煮詰まっていないにも関わらず,総務会や与党協議等を強行突破し,自公の案が提出されたことが非難されています.Gender identityという用語は,性同一性とも性自認とも解釈される隠語です.性自認を性同一性に改め,差別を不当な差別に変えている自民党は,言葉の遊びをしているだけです.そもそも,人の内面に法律は踏み込むべきではありません.同法を制定して,差別を無くそうと叫んでいる人達が居ますが,少なくとも我が国においては,性的少数者に対する差別は従来僅少です.殆ど有りもしない差別を有るが如くに想定し,排除しようとする理念を法制化する必要はありません.しかも,法律化されると,「自称性自認のトランス女性」が,女性の空間に侵入して来ます.そして,彼らを非難排除しようものなら,差別と訴えられかねません.性的少数者の人権擁護を掲げて,諸団体が登場し公金を受けて活動するでしょう.子供の教育にもLGBT等を導入するのでしょうか.従前から誤った教育を指導し続けている文科省は,誤りの上塗りをすることになります.
真意は不詳ですが,岸田総理は同法案を何としてもG7前に国会に提出させたかったようです.在日米国大使に言われて,サミットの手土産にしましたか.それとも,安倍元総理の残滓を拭い去るつもりですか. LGBT法案の狙い処は,男女の区別[格位]の破壊であり,男女共同参画法と同様に少子化の増長です.我が国の伝統と文化を破壊し,社会を混乱させて,皇統を破壊することに繋がります.国体の破壊です.西欧の一部においては,過度の人権主張が,女性や子供の生存権を脅かしています.先進国では,揺れ戻しが始まっているのに,我が国は彼らに追従するのでしょうか.総理夫人が訪米して,バイデン大統領夫人やLGBT推進者に会っています.暴挙のバックは米国[DS]であり,CCPと思います.法律戦を通して我が国を貶め,弱体化させようとする勢力の動きを看過してはいけません.本法案の非を堂々と訴えましょう.

Put on the GARMENT of CHRIST
Hak Ja Han’s NEW/ANCIENT Principle of Creation

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
2 Cor 10:5

When you enter your home, think to yourself, I am now walking into the Kingdom of Heaven." When you leave home and go out into the world, consider that you are going to expand the purpose of heaven. If you live every day like that, how can you possibly fall into hell? Heaven is determined by how you live. You don't need any special procedures or applications in order to enter heaven. You will find yourself in the same place as you were on earth. If you were in heaven on earth, you will be elevated into heaven in spirit world. But if you were in hell on earth, that is where you will go.
SMM, Wake Up, America! June 12, 1988

Next weekend is Memorial Day when we pray for those who died to preserve our freedoms. Pray for one another and for goal to have 12 new blessed couples by the next True God’s Day.

Andrew Tate, the influential Romanian kick boxer and media personality, brags about having sex with countless women. He’s influential with millions of men and boys. It would be good if celebrities like him could understand their responsibility as Godly husbands and fathers.

Alpha males have been driven out of the churches. Sadly, most men are no longer a buttress against a corrupt culture. Mainline churches are afraid to confront transgenderism. While the churches decline in Europe, Islam is growing. Women and children will suffer the most from the absence of strong, Christian men.

In America, there is still a Protestant remnant, with patriots willing to fight tyrants. Next Sunday, 3,000 patriot bikers will be doing a 65-mile run on Memorial Day that includes the breathtaking views in Smoky Mountains National Park. Amazingly, it ends at Veterans Overlook in Clinch Mountain which is just 2.5 miles from Cheongpyeong in Thornhill, TN! It’s wonderful that the Rod of Iron Riders will be able to connect with 3,000 patriot riders by joining this run early next Sunday!

Sanctuary Service 5/21/2023

As expressed in his most recent rap song, when Hyung Jin Nim was young he felt a temptation to take his own life, which of course is a massive sin. Young people think that ending their lives will make a big change, and bring repentance and unity. They are deluded by the devil. Another form of self-worship. A way of putting yourself in the center of the universe.

The Left glorifies suicide and euthanasia, but calls us a cult? When his brother Young Jin who was just one year older took his life it was devastating. He took a year off to help Hyung Jin Nim get A’s in school. He also helped him to train in martial arts.

Young Jin Nim was Kook Jin Nim’s favorite younger brother. Hyung Jin Nim became closer to Kook Jin Nim after his passing. Many young people are just in their own minds, but that shocking death brought Hyung Jin Nim back to reality.

That is why Jesus taught us to pray and to not lose heart. The unjust judge described in Luke 18 doesn’t care about God, justice or the people. A judge who doesn’t fear God can become a good Nazi, just carrying out the will of the State.

We need leaders who aren’t afraid to speak out. As shown in the Principle, God will divide corrupt organizations into Cain and Abel sides. Look at the example of the FBI whistleblowers who are calling for the reform or abolition of the FBI and CIA which have abused their powers.

Then there is the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14. One was self-righteous while the other knew he was a sinner.

The rhetoric of the current regime in the White House is to eradicate white, heterosexual, Christian gun-owners. That is why the 2nd Amendment is so important.

The inner circle in the Family Fed around Hak Ja Han are hiding, but leaking what she has been saying. She is the biggest robber, stealing True Father’s authority.

In Christian jurisprudence, the intention is important. Parents also need to discern the motivation of their children. They are not perfect. That is why training is so important.

The mob demanded that Jesus be executed. Jesus taught us to long for justice. That God will give justice who cry to Him day and night.

After being appointed, HJN said that even though I was pure until marriage and done all the required things, not to drink, etc., “I am still a sinner.” For instance, I ignored and resented God at different times in my life. The church leaders didn’t like hearing him say that. The Bible says our righteousness is like dirty rags.

It’s important to have moral humility. We need Christ to become good. It is his righteousness that we wear. Put on the garment of Christ, which prevents the Pharisaic culture from taking hold.

We should have the mindset that I am chosen by God, but I'm not perfect. I must keep running after His will. Keep training so that we don’t make emotional decisions.

We pray for America to come back to that awareness. Freedom is not free. These are the last days of Satan’s kingdoms, which is being exposed, but these are also the early days of God’s unfolding kingdom. His lineage, constitution, kingship lines are being established on earth. Do not despair. You are not perfect, but still stand against evil.

Hak Ja Han’s NEW/ANCIENT Principle of Creation

On 5/18/23, after going around Cheongpyeong Lake with about 70 important executives on a cruise ship, here is what Hak Ja Han said at a luncheon at the Cheon Jeong Won restaurant after giving different directions:

“Another thing to emphasize is that, it is important to look for and raise up the second and third generations. We need to educate them on the essence of the Creator, the Heavenly Parents, and what the mission of True Parents is. From now on, what you must educate is the Principle of Creation, but not the Principle of Creation as explained in the Divine Principle.

The essence of the Creator is the Heavenly Parents. The source of life is born through the mother. [You are born] 99.999% from the mother and 0.001% from male. It is the same with the Heavenly Parents. Until now, He has been introduced as the Heavenly Father.

In the Exposition of the Divine Principle, He is the neutralised subject of the dual characteristics. This is wrong. We have to fix that. We must teach what is the Principle of Creation, what is the mission of True Parents, and what is the responsibility of True Parents. In the future, education should be centered on the Word in the Cheon Il Guk era rather than in the Old Testament era, the New Testament era, the Completed Testament era. Do you understand?

The age has come when we live with our Heavenly Parents. Should you ignore that? In that sense, seniors and those in charge should undergo retraining. That's why we can say that the providence of CheonShimWon is important. It has become the root of faith. You have to experience yourself, the unshakable roots of faith. Do you understand? You are going to do that, aren't you?”
- Han Hak Ja, May 18, 2023

Commentary on HJH's NEW/ANCIENT Principle of Creation

In this brief statement to 70 top leaders, Hak Ja Han calls for radical changes to Unification teachings. In the 4th paragraph, Hak Ja Han critiques the Divine Principle’s teaching that God is the (harmonized) “neutralized subject of dual characteristics” referring in this context to God having equalized masculine and feminine qualities. She asserts, “this is wrong. We have to fix that.”

Since Genesis declares that we are made in the image of God, it is natural to ask what is wrong with the teaching that God is the harmonized/neutralized subject of dual characteristics? In the 3rd paragraph, she states that babies are born from their mothers, with 99.999% coming from their mothers and .001% from their fathers. She then makes the fascinating claim that “it is the same with the Heavenly Parents,” apparently meaning that God’s nature is predominantly (99.999%) female?

She instructs, “in the future, education should be centered on the Word in the Cheon Il Guk era,” meaning the words of Hak Ja Han, “rather than in the Old Testament era (Hebrew Bible), the New Testament era (Jesus and apostles including St. Paul), the Completed Testament era (Sun Myung Moon).”

She concludes by saying that “seniors and those in charge should undergo retraining” because “the providence of CheonShimWon (initiated by Hak Ja Han) is important. It has become the root of faith.” To paraphrase, seniors and leaders need to undergo retraining because they have believed the words of True Father Sun Myung Moon, but instead they need to believe the new root, the words coming from her.

This talk to elite Family Fed leaders by Hak Ja Han aligns with assertions she made in her March 25-26, 2019 legal deposition where she stated under oath that any decisions made by Sun Myung Moon not approved by her were invalid https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/apologetics/hak-ja-hans-beliefs-as-revealed-under-oath. It also aligns with a workshop to FFWPU leaders last year by Rev. Myungdae Kim (Vice President of the Retired Pastors Association) where he stated that 90% of what True Father Sun Myung Moon taught was false. https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/apologetics/declaration-of-faith It also aligns with talks given by Kim Jin-chun in five major regions of Korea from March 21 to April 7 and again on April 17, 2022 at the Han Mother’s direction to 500 Family Fed representatives from all over the world. These talks by Kim Jin-chun were denounced by 36 couple elder Rev. Young Hwi Kim on June 25, 2022, in which he cried out that the talk by Kim Jin-Chun:

is a satanic act to divide the two and tear True Parents to pieces. Is this the filial piety to liberate Father? On the one hand, she has been humiliating and downgrading Father by summoning him to the priesthood and putting a dirty coat of paint on his lofty phase and image of a stern saint, while on the other hand, she has been claiming that all the fulfillments of Providence were possible not because of Father with his tail but because Mother completed her personality as a perfect Snow White. He has a long and loud speech on the theory of the Immaculate Conception (of the Only Begotten Daughter), which has no root and no basis. How is this possible? If the father is downgraded, will the mother be elevated and perfected at the height of her power? https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/apologetics/36-blessed-couples-alarmed-over-obd-theology

It is evident that Hak Ja Han and her Family Fed representatives are aggressively asserting a new religion based on her claim to embody what she frames as God’s predominantly (99.999%) feminine nature. I suppose this may be attractive to feminists who critique the male patriarchy, but all of us should be asking ourselves the question posed by Rev. Young Hwi Kim, “if the father is downgraded, will the mother be elevated and perfected at the height of her power?” Does tearing True Father down when he is not here to speak make us respect Hak Ha Han more?

Of course, religious teachings about a dimorphous but predominantly female goddess are not really new at all (https://mythology.net/egyptian/egyptian-gods/astarte/). The Biblical revelation that God created through the Word (see previous email about the DNA “alphabet” in every cell of living things) was a radical departure from ancient Near East religions which taught that creation of the world came through sexual relations between male and female gods.

The Divine Principle and Unification Thought teach that the dual characteristics of Internal Nature (Sung Sang), ie. intellect, emotion, will and heart, and External Form (Hyung Sang), ie. Universal Prime Energy are God’s PRIMARY nature. Masculinity and femininity are SECONDARY, not primary characteristics.

The Biblical/Principle understanding of the creation of the world is that it came through the design and intention of the invisible God as expressed through His Word, not through sexual interaction between male and female elements.

It is heartbreaking and mystifying to see these ongoing series of attacks on True Father and on the Divine Principle teaching itself. Unificationists can look forward with astonishment as FFWPU theologians re-write the Divine Principle centered on Hak Ja Han’s, not True Father’s, religious teachings. After all, she teaches a new/ancient religion different in significant ways from what Sun Myung Moon taught for more than 6 decades of his life.

Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D.

Essay with original Korean text at 
http:// https://www.sanctuary-pa.org/apologetics/hak-ja-hans-new-ancient-principle-of-creation

