

天一国三代王と王妃のご聖婚 「美しい」「思い出深い」「希望の川」













真のお父様文鮮明は,1920年に再臨のイエスとして生まれ,1945年に公的な使命を開始しました.彼は,1960年に全人類の真の父母の位置に到達しました.2012年に彼は,神様の地上の理想の王国の到来を確保するための全ての必要な仕事を完遂したことを宣布しました.彼はそれを天宙平和統一王国,或いは天一国と呼びました.2012年9月3日 午前1時54分に,彼は神様の摂理を霊界から指示し始めました.



















暫く投稿を止めていましたが,2023年4月23日に,米国TN, 清平において,天一国三代王と王妃の歴史的天宙的なご聖婚がなされたことは真に喜ばしいことであり,全天宙をあげて,神様の勝利を賛美すべきものでありますから,ここに紹介させて頂きました.生前のアボニムが,信俊ニムを後に三代王になる方として,特別に愛された事は統一食口なら誰でも知っています.家庭連合に居るメンバーも忘れていない筈です.目が曇ると光り輝く三代王・王妃も見えなくなるのでしょうか.


Holy Blessing of 3rd King & Queen of Cheon Il Guk
“Beautiful” “Memorable” “A River of Hope!”

“Beloved Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your grace, and for having shielded me in my struggles from my childhood until now; during those years I have been apprehensive of any humiliation or shame that Heaven might suffer.

Among all the good things on this earth, there is nothing more precious than connecting to Your original heart. Knowing this, we must infinitely long for that relationship. We must keep in mind that those who experience Your love will have no regrets even if they forget about all the things of this world. Now we must seek the ideal world, the original homeland where we live by Your love. We must prepare today on earth for the day of our birth as liberated children endowed with the authority of freedom of our third life.

We must know that just as we needed to be healthy in the womb to be born to lead a healthy life on earth, we need a wholesome earthly life to have a wholesome life in heaven. As the world today is one of conflict under the dominion of evil, we must we must be resolved to fight to the death in order to be blessed with the cooperation of heaven and earth and to keep in step with the dynamic fortunes of the universe. We must resolve that our descendants will never be placed in the same position as we have been.”

“Beloved Father, when we think of how You exist and have toiled unremittingly to usher in a new spring, we must become Your infinitely grateful and joyous sons and daughters who lament the fact that we have yet to offer our entire life and love to You. In our predestined relationship with You, our lives are meant to be harmonized, and completely absorbed in and by You so that we too, may greet the new spring.

We must realize that only when we greet spring for the first time will the flowers bloom. We must not become such pitiful souls who have never done so. Just as a flower goes through summer and autumn before blooming and bearing fruit, we too are to undergo a similar process to bear fruit.

We know that for a tree to bear fruit, it first absorbs life elements through its roots, trunk and branches in summer, concentrating a perfect life force to bring forth a second life. Similarly, we must become the sons and daughters who are introspectively determining whether we have a life force welling up in our hearts – one that is capable of rebirth in a new world even if our bodies should die.

No matter how much time flies by, no matter how fiercely the storms rage, our inner life force must withstand the intrusions of the environment and persevere persistently on the path of growth. Only in this way, can we welcome the new spring and become a seed, the original source of a second life, which can be planted again.

Likewise, no matter how pathetic we may look externally, if we maintain our value as the original essence that can enhance the spiritual life force and as a seed that can be planted in the infinite world, we are not miserable people even though we may think we are. Please allow us to realize that the more miserable we may appear externally, the more our internal value is complete and guaranteed.”

“Father, we have realized that without the desire to serve and bow down humbly to You, we can have no relationship with You in the eternal world. Open the doors of our hearts to feel Your heart and hear Your voice welling up from the depths of our hearts, and guide us to regain our lost bodies today. Help us to appreciate Your historical course of toil and trouble to find each one of us, that we may humbly bow our heads before You.” Rev. Sun Myung Moon, Treatise on Practice of Liberation

In an event described variously as “beautiful” “memorable” “a river of hope” “the substantiation of God’s image” and “the spirit world and physical world coming together!” brothers and sisters gathered from around the world to witness the blessing ceremony of the 3rd King of Cheon Il Guk, Shin Joon Moon to Chiu Sakai, at the Cheongpyeong property in Thorn Hill, Tennessee. Following are videos and photos from this historic event.

Holy Blessing of 3rd King and Queen of CIG

Overview of the Three Generations Kingship
by Timothy Elder, Director of International Missions for the
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary aka Sanctuary Church

True Father Sun Myung Moon was born in 1920 as the Second Coming of Jesus and began his public mission in 1945. He achieved the position of True Parent of all humanity in 1960. In 2012, he declared he had completed all the necessary work to insure the coming of God’s ideal Kingdom on earth, which he called Kingdom of Cosmic Peace and Unity, or “Cheon Il Guk.” At 1:54 AM on September 3, 2012, he began to direct God’s Providence from the spirit world.

Prior to his Cosmic Ascension, True Father directed God’s providence in both the physical and spiritual worlds, and he continues to do so in both worlds today.

In January 2009, True Father saw fit to appoint his youngest son, Hyung Jin “Sean” Moon to be his representative and inheritor on earth. The appointment came during a ceremony titled, “Coronation Ceremony for the Realm of Liberation of God, the King of Kings.”

For this ceremony, True Father placed crowns on the heads of his son and daughter-in-law and had them follow directly behind him in the royal procession into the hall. Then, while standing on the stage, he placed his hands on the young couple and stated, “I hereby pass on the Blessing of True Parents.”

True Father held this ceremony three times on two continents. The first time was in Korea on January 15, and the second time was on January 31, again in Korea. Following this second ceremony, Father had everyone involved in the ceremony board a flight to New York, where it was still January 31 when he held the same ceremony for the third time.

Prior to this ceremony, True Father stated that no one in the Unification Church had a faith greater than that of his youngest son. Already, in 2008, he had appointed his Hyung Jin Nim to the position of World President, a position that had previously been assigned to the most senior disciple.

In June 2010, one of Hyung Jin Nim’s brothers was expressing that he was more qualified as True Father’s successor. Father composed a document in his own hand where he declared that his “representative and heir” was none other than Hyung Jin Moon and that anyone else would be a “heretic and a destroyer.”

The Second King never sought the position he was eventually given. In fact, as the seventh and youngest son, he had assumed that he would be able to live his life as he pleased, training in martial arts and perhaps completing a doctorate degree in religion or theology at Harvard Divinity School.

True Father chose to give the position not to anyone who actively sought it but to the person who never desired it and never dreamed he would be chosen. Just as the Messiah is appointed by God alone, the Messiah’s representative on earth can be decided only by the Messiah himself.

Father did not just choose his immediate successor. Soon after Shin Joon Moon was born in 2004, Father saw that this would be the child who would become the Third King of Cheon Il Gook.

We know through Father’s teaching that the almighty God cannot accomplish His will alone. It takes the participation of human beings. The human portion of responsibility is miniscule compared to God’s portion, but it requires the full effort of human beings.

Had Adam and Eve not disobeyed God’s commandment, His Kingdom would have been accomplished during their lifetimes. Had the world received Jesus, God’s Kingdom could have been accomplished on the earth during Jesus’ lifetime. Had the world received True Father Sun Myung Moon when he first began his public mission in 1945, God’s Kingdom could have been accomplished in seven years. Father’s efforts to bring about a sustainable world of peace and unity were met every step of the way with fierce opposition from Communist and globalist forces. He has seen betrayal after betrayal, often by those closest to him.

Father often spoke of his fervent desire to offer up to God a world free from even the last vestige of sin. His deepest hope was to live even a single day in a world of God’s original ideal of creation.

Before shedding his physical body, True Father was able to complete all the conditions necessary for God’s Kingdom to come on earth, but it has been left up to the second and third generations to accomplish that Kingdom in substantial form.

In this way, True Father Sun Myung Moon, Second King Hyung Jin Moon and future Third King Shin Joon Moon are one person in terms of the mission to accomplish God’s Kingdom on earth. We refer to them collectively as the Three Generation Kingship.

True Father and True Mother Hyung Shil Kang are united as one in the spirit world at the cosmic perfection level. The Second King and Queen Yeon Ah Moon are united as one in the physical world. And today, the Third King will receive God’s Blessing of Holy Marriage with his queen, Chiu Jungeun Sakai. With these three generations each united as one horizontally as husbands and wives and vertically with each other as Grandparents, Parents and Children, the world takes a giant step forward toward the victorious conclusion of God’s Providence of restoration.

If the world understood the significance of today’s events, shouts of Hosannah would be heard from every corner of the planet. We are truly blessed to be the witness who can later testify to the world about what takes place today.


