

2020.7.4 HJ ショーン・ムーン牧師のスピーチ















黙示録1:5には,「真実な証人にして死者の中から最初に生まれた方,地上の王達の支配者,(イエス・キリストから,恵と平和があなた方にあるように.) 彼は私達を愛し,その血によって罪から解放して下さり,私達を御国の民とし,また,御自分の父である神に仕える祭司として下さいました.」とあります.パウロは,信徒達を「皇室の」或いは「王室の」司祭と呼び,諸国を支配するのみならず,「あなた方は,私達が天使さえ裁く事を知らないのですか」と言いました.(コリントⅠ6:3)








「天におられる私達の父よ,御名が聖とされますように.御国が来ますように.御心行われますように,天におけるように地の上にも.私達に日毎の糧を今日お与え下さい.私達の負い目をお赦し下さい。私達も自分に負い目のある人を赦しましたように.私達を試みに遭わせず,悪からお救い下さい.国と力と栄えは,永久にあなたのもの だからです.アーメン.」….マタイ6:9-13

*: deists一般に創造者としての神は認めるが,人格的存在とは認めず啓示を否定する.人間理性の存在をその説の前提とし,奇跡・啓示・預言などによる神の介入はあり得ないとして排斥する.
**: agnostic人間は神の存在を証明することも反証することもできないと唱える.
***: 2002年,NYにて,ジェフリー・エプスタイン被告によるジェニファー・アラオズさんに対する性的暴行事件が発生し,エプスタインの相続人で,共謀を働いたとされる英国のギレーヌ・マックスウェル,他匿名の3人が,2019年にニューヨーク郡地方裁判所に提訴された.




July 4, 2020 Speech by Pastor HJ Sean Moon

Distinguished guests, patriots, lovers of God and country, guns and freedom, it is our great honor to welcome you to the 4th of July Independence day Celebration of America from the Tyranny of Britain and Europe. On this day in 1776 our founding framers signed the Declaration of Independence, which declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subordinate to the orders of king George III of Britain. They stood against the most powerful and formidable military of the day and declared that they would risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor for the cause of living as free men, under God and away from Britain’s control.
Today the left is trying to rewrite history and teach the next generation that the
Founding Fathers were racist, slave owning, white supremacists. They are inciting the
youth to tear down the statues of Washington, Jefferson and other Founding Fathers. They are cultivating a hatred for America and the ideals of Freedom. They are telling our youth that American must be destroyed and Marxism erected in its place.
Contrary to what the leftist communists say about the Founding Fathers, history
shows a different picture. They were NOT deists who believed in the possibility of God,
they were Christian intellectuals with some varying opinions of doctrinal matters, but they
were NOT agnostic or atheist. Benjamin Franklin wrote that he was a deist but then
realized the stupidity of such a position. Montesquieu, Blackstone and Locke were the 3
most widely quoted philosophers by the Founding Fathers and they were ALL Christian
philosophers, not secular materialists!!!
So why were our Founding Fathers willing to listen to the conscience within that
yearned and cried out for liberty and independence from George III? Why were they willing to die for such a cause? The answer lies in God’s Word.
When we look at the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, God commands
A&E (or humanity), “be fruitful, multiply and have dominion [or subdue] the earth.” We
can see that God, the Creator of the entire universe, gave dominion and the blessing of
dominion over the earth to his children Adam and Eve. The powerful Archangel Lucifer,
who aided God in the creation of the world, was not given this inheritance. He was to be
the servant of God’s children and not the master. However, through the Fall of Eve then
Adam, God’s children lost their dominion, their purity and their blessings. Lucifer reversed
dominion and 1/3 of the angels followed Satan, leaving their proper position as servants
and became the masters of humanity.
In the same way, the bible shows how nations come to become enslaved to leftism,
socialism, communism, and political satanism. The men and women of a nation are in the
position of Adam and Eve—they are to have dominion of their nation, under God, and to be the masters of their land. Government is in the position of the Archangel, who has power, but must be the servant of Adam and Eve. When Governments leave their proper position as servants to the people, they are now in the position of the fallen Archangel, Lucifer who stole the inheritance God gave to His children, becoming the masters instead of the servants.
America is in a similar crisis today. As we have become a more and more secular nation we have become a more pagan nation. We have taken the Word of God out of our
schools. We have allowed the removal of prayer and the Ten Commandments from our
halls of learning and justice. We have stood idly by as fellow Americans murdered over 70
million babies in the womb since 1973. We have participated in a culture of licentiousness,
children out-of-wedlock, pre-marital sex, and a culture where the most powerful people in
our land are involved in sex trafficking, Luciferian worship and pedophilia.
When we observe how Lucifer destroys the citizens of a nation we can see that He
uses government to fund the misuse of SEX, POWER and MONEY. During the Cultural
Revolution in China, Mao Tze Tung, promoted the dissolution of traditional marriage and
encouraged a sexual revolution to “free” young people from the slavery of marriage. He
encouraged free sex culture, pre-marital sex, and sexual exploration, which precipitously
degraded the morals of the people and gained their favor to secure more POWER and
MONEY. The Democratic Party in America has done the same as the Communist Party in
China. After all how can a people stand against evil when they have themselves become
Mao started a SEX blackmail campaign providing prostitutes AND CHILDREN to
powerful men and capturing the incidences on record (parallels to Epstein and Ghislane
Maxwell). He ordered the killing of property owners as they were “stealing” from the
proletariat and financed groups of roving teens to riot, create chaos and murder his
political enemies—something very similar to what we see with George Soros and the elites of Hollywood funding BLM and Antifa today. Again Luciferian government uses SEX,
MONEY and POWER to buy the people and to entrap political enemies. And that is why our Founding Fathers knew that government was not in the position of God but rather
Government was in the position of Lucifer, who was to be a good servant of the people and not a sinful master.
The Founding Fathers of America saw the destruction of Europe under the hands of
a centralized governmental model. They instituted checks and balances in America to
guard against such Luciferian models of government. But today, we see that most
American cities, led by leftist mayors and bureaucrats have created a model which disarms the public, regulates all forms of human interaction, censors its enemies, controls the powerful propaganda media and ensnares powerful leaders in pedophile rings and sex
trafficking abuse.
Our Founding Fathers knew that power corrupts absolutely and thus started
America with a decentralized model of governance. For example, they instituted the Sheriff model of law enforcement where the Sheriff was elected by the people and thus
accountable to the people, as opposed to the European State Police system, where the
Police chief is appointed by government officials and thus are NOT loyal to the people, but
to the government officials. Many leftist American cities, have adopted this EUROPEAN
model of policing in the cities and thus there is a great feeling of oppression, wrong-doing,
unaccountability to the people and injustice that many peoples in the cities feel. This
feeling, which is what our Founding Fathers also felt with regard to the British State police
model, has been exploited and powerful communist and socialist entities are funding a
communist cultural revolution here in America.
In the last few months we have witnessed the most egregious infringement of civil
liberties in modern American history. We have seen curfews and confinement orders,
social distancing mandates, church shutdowns, people arrested for playing at parks, surfing during lockdown, forced to wear masks, and our economy being devastated by the Chi-com
virus. Something so much more sinister than the coronavirus is that AMERICA IS
BECOMING like China, especially if they defraud President Trump and the American people of a victory in 2020 through mail-in ballots and massive voter fraud.
In the book of Revelation we see this final battle between good and evil. Believers in
Christ are scorned, mocked, killed and beheaded as they are throughout the world as we
speak. One world government rules over the world and there is great groaning and
suffering in the land as there is today. The world worships the Beast and takes its mark,
which of course is Government as the anti-Christ system.
However, in the word of God we see a great hope and promise. A promise that when
Christ returns, he will return with a new name (Rev 3:12), and that he will give believers 2
accouterments that will be required in the Last Days. In our tradition we honor our True
Father as the returning Jesus, who exposed the Satanic nature of Communism, established the mass wedding movement to establish God-centered marriages and families, and established His Kingship line which has coronated patriots and freedom fighters from all over the world as kings and priests of God’s Kingdom.
Rev 1:5 says, that “Jesus Christ the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead
and the prince of the kings of the earth, has loved us and washed us from our sins by His
own blood and hath made us KINGS & PRIESTS unto God and to His Father.” Paul calls
believers a “royal” or “kingly” priesthood who will not only rule the nations, but “do you
not know that we will judge the angels?” (1 Cor 6:3).
Rev. 2:27 states, and “And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a
potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”In Rev. 12:5 the
bible states, “And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of
iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” Again in Rev. 19:15 “And
out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall
rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of
Almighty God.”
The rod of iron is the accouterment that Christ uses and bestows upon the
inheritors of His eternal Kingdom. Wolves fear the shepherd that carries the Rod of Iron.
The simple act of owning firearms, the Rod of Iron, puts fear into the predatory class. But
the sheep are comforted by its presence. As Psalm 23 states, “Though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff
they comfort me.”
When a good and free people with the Christian ethic of “Love God, Love thy neighbor,” have the dominion of the use of force there is peace. When good, God-fearing
people can exercise their right to keep and bear arms freely, evil cannot prevail. When the
power of the Rod of Iron is in the hands of the right people and not monopolized by
government, the people can flourish, prosper and protect one another, creating win-win
enterprises and human flourishing.
The kingdom of God is a Kingdom where the God of love, justice and mercy rules and
shepherds the world with the reign of the Rod of Iron. This is not a tyrannical rule of
Christ, as that would contradict the Word of God, which says that God is the same
yesterday, today and forever.
In the spirit of 1776 and independence from a Satanic king, we must reject the false
Leftist doctrine that America and Judeo-Christian values are evil. We must reject the false
Leftist doctrine that Marxism is good and will create Utopia. We must reject the false Leftist doctrine of liberation theology where a socialist/communist Jesus will rule as a socialist governmental leader, centralizing government and power of the State. None of our Founding framers ever believed that, in fact they believed the opposite—that God has given WE THE PEOPLE sovereignty and that no government bureaucrat or person gives us our rights, but that they are endowed to us BY OUR CREATOR--ALL MIGHTY GOD HIMSELF!!!
God is RADICALLY DIFFERENT from the dictators of political Satanism and the false
monarchies of the past. The true King of Heaven and Earth gives us a Kingdom of Freedom,
Liberty, Love and Responsibility. We are a part of His Holy Army, soldiers with the holy
hosts of Heaven. He is calling us to be co-heirs and co-inheritors and to stand with him to
defend life, liberty, love and goodness by realizing our royal lineage to the King of Kings,
Lord of Lords, and to accept the Rod of Iron that will defend the Kingdom of God, His
people, His culture and His civilization forever.
On this 4th of July let us vow to forever resist Tyranny, Leftism,
Socialism/Communism and political Satanism worldwide and pray together as the Lord
“Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom Come Thy will
be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever, Amen.”

