




….文鮮明,御言葉選集,55-79, 1972.4.23




あなたが,総合格闘技(Mixed Martial Arts)をする時,平和な太極拳の稽古をしてはいけません.私達は,幻想と現実の差異を理解する必要があります.




彼は,ラッパー(=喋り家),トム・マクドラルドの「Fake Woke」のビデオ*について語りました.それは,ビッグ・テックと誤った「反人種主義」の思想への抵抗を語っています.ビルボードの全米トップになりました.私達は,訓練と隣人を守るための備えを促すために,神様の火を保つ必要があります.あなたが,悪に危害を加えることが出来ても,戦わず,平和になるようにしましょう.
*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l6JUNFAJ9o


















バイデン傀儡政権の中枢部に共産主義者の工作員が侵入したと報じられています.BLMやANTIFAなどの野蛮な組織の中核にも,工作員が居て,全体を扇動している事は容易に想定できます.1.6にCapitolに侵入した者達の写真や動画が紹介されていましたが,素顔を隠した者達は,一体何者でしょうか,また,彼らを撮影したのは誰ですか.これらのことを考えても,不明瞭な点が多過ぎます.最近は,侵入者達が,Capitolを爆破しようとしたというとんでもないデマも登場しました.どこまでも,Fake Newsを捏造し,流布して,トランプと彼の支持者達を貶めようとする大手メディアや多数の左翼集団の策略が続きます.




original text
We are in a BATTLE of CIVILIZATIONS Feb.16, 2021

After this Jesus went about in Galilee. He would not go about in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill him. Now the Jews' Feast of Booths was at hand. So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea, that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. For no one works in secret if he seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.” For not even his brothers believed in him. Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always here. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify about it that its works are evil. John 7:1-7

The goal of our faith is to become the citizens of the Kingdom of God. If we do not become the citizens of that kingdom, there will be no way for us to be loved or to be proud of being God’s children in front of the people in the world or the creation. Those without a nation are prone to attacks. They are in the most wretched of positions. In most cases, they are easily beaten. That is why we should try to find the answer to the question: Where is the nation desired by God, the nation that can be the foothold of God? SMM (55-79, 1972.4.23)

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by commenting about the beautiful True God’s Day celebration at the True Parents’ Memorial last Friday.

He went on to say that God can still use Trump, even though as Commander in Chief he should have prevented criminal usurpers from taking control of all 3 branches of the federal government. Effectively, we have an agent of the Communist Chinese Party in the Whitehouse.

We patriots need to stand up. The state of Texas is resisting through lawsuits it has filed. Utah has passed a constitutional carry law. Tennessee is moving towards that as well.

The U.S.A. has a 27 Trillion debt load. When a bank comes after you to foreclose on your unpaid debt, it takes your home away even if you have made payments for many years. Genocides of the 20th century were made by totalitarian regimes during times of financial crisis. The “Re-po” man is coming to repossess the nation.

Don’t practice peaceful Tai Chi when you have an MMA fight coming up. We need to understand the difference between fantasy and reality.

Sanctuary Church Service 2/14/2021

He praised True Mother Kang. She was loyal to Christ her entire life. She was willing to come to the wilderness in northeast Pennsylvania at the age of 90. She lived and died for Christ. We now have a victorious Eve!

He also spoke about the talented rapper Tom McDonnell’s “Fake Woke” video. It speaks about resisting Big Tech and fake “anti-racism” ideology. It reached Billboard #1 nationwide. We need to keep the fire of God to stimulate our training and preparation to defend our neighbors. If you can harm evil, but choose to not fight, that is being peaceful.

Gangsta rappers in the 80s and 90s were alpha males. Very macho and masculine. Now there are openly gay rappers. Youth are self-brainwashing by listening to raps that promote licentious sex, murder, etc. Korean dramas belittle stable men who work hard and glorify players/predators who play with your emotions. It’s important to make good daily habits. Read scripture and do HDK every day. Hoon = Train. Lifestyle training for mind/body important. Not just spiritual salvation. Jesus preached that God’s Kingdom comes on earth. We are co-heirs who must fulfill our responsibility.

The Founding Fathers and other colonists knew that George Washington could not do it alone.

True God's Day Midnight Prayer

Without the 2nd Amendment we would not be able to keep the rest of our freedoms. We need to realize that global oppression is being implemented, eventually coming to us directly. It’s the battle of an evil civilization against Judeo-Christian civilization.

An analogy of the relationship between God and Christ is a video game creator who chooses an Avatar to play in his own game. Other players are encountering the creator of that universe, who is different from all others. Despite being the creator, he is still bound by that universe’s laws.

America is like Lazarus, and already in a type of death. Regarding our corrupted election process – we need to remember that the rationale for American Revolution was about REPRESENTATION. It’s painful to admit that our election was manipulated by an international cabal.

In Nazi Germany, only 10-20% of the Stasi police went after the Jews, etc., but they were still able to implement the murder of millions. In America most of the military are patriots who voted for Trump, but there are bad ones, too. Then there are the “brown noses” who will do anything to be promoted. Many veterans warn about the bureaucratic ethos of those who care only about benefits.

The newly recruited grunts have to listen to trainers who now must propagate leftist ideology. Hyung Jin Nm realized how bureaucratic the U.S. Army is while praying at the prayer rock near Fort Hood in Texas. The base looks like countless college administration buildings surrounded by barbed wire.

The nation needs to have those who will resist unconstitutional orders. Democrat party government officials are talking about the need to “re-educate” Christian patriots. They could conduct “false flag” terrorist attacks and blame it on “white nationalists,” leading to a civil war. The CIA has been running such “op’s” all over the world for many decades.

The Bible does not teach that people are “good,” which is a “New Age” teaching. It teaches that we are sinful, morally weak, and easily tempted to do what is wrong.

54th True God's Day at True Parents Memorial

The elite consensus is that they will do whatever it takes to seize and keep power. They have sold their souls to Satan. Most religions see humans as innately good, but systems built on Buddhism, Hinduism, or Confucianism, give individuals unlimited power leading to despotism.

The Biblical worldview is different. It teaches that external evil forces are real, not just an internal psychological reality. We have to choose to love God and be like Him, and then become part of a community that can resist external evil that is beyond race or family blood ties, creating a human network of like-minded individuals.

We must be aware of the time we live in. If you have a debilitating disease, it’s better to know so you can avoid contributing behaviors. In Korea if you have cancer, many go on a total vegetarian diet. Take action. What can I do TODAY? We might as well die fighting. That is why we created "Resist the devil and he shall flee" and "Murder Sloth" t-shirts.

God did not go “all Pacifist.” When people are saying that it’s “in the hands of God,” we need to remember that the people of God are His hands and feet! The Lord’s Prayer shows the importance of God’s Kingdom on EARTH.

Creation makes us feel gratitude. Gratitude creates even deeper waves than meditation or contemplative prayer. It's important to articulate blessings. God verbally said, “let there be light.” Our queen needs encouragement. So do Kings.

Come into the Kingdom of God with praise and thanksgiving! After telling our children what they have done wrong, it’s important to show love. It’s wonderful when a mother is singing “God is so good!” rather than icy silence. The family becomes a “mini-SWAT team” against Satan.


