




….天聖経,第2巻,第6章,p267-268, (67-228, 1973.6.27)





この大統領選挙は世界に影響します.私達の子や孫達に影響します.バイデン家庭の腐敗を示す新たな証拠がビッグ・テック(=Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Facebook, Microsoft)によって隠蔽され,検閲されています.











*:マーガレット・ヒギンズ・サンガー(Margaret Higgins Sanger, 1879年9月14日 - 1966年9月6日)は,アメリカ合衆国の産児制限(受胎調節)活動家であり,優生学のある側面における唱道者であり,「アメリカ産児制限連盟」(American Birth Control League、後のPlanned Parenthood)の創設者である.子供をいかにして,何時産むかを女性自身が決定する権利についてのサンガーの思想は,初めの内熾烈な反対を受けたが,やがて人々と法廷の支持を勝ち取っていった.産児制限が広く行われるようになる道を切り開いた.


米国においてバイデン,ハリスが政権を握ると,おそらく中共の世界戦略を阻止する事はないでしょう.米議会の勢力均衡にも関心がありますが,共和党が多数を占めていないと,米国の外交や安保政策が骨抜きにされる事は,歴代の民主党政権の結果から明白です.議会より大統領の権限が強い米国は,大統領が舵取りを間違えると,また世界中で小規模な戦争が続発するでしょう.バイデンらは内政においても,おそらく増税をして,New Green Dealなどにて再生可能エネルギの拡大を推進し,国内産業を沈滞させて,多量の失業者を出すでしょう.人権擁護も,香港やウイグル問題に関与すれば良いのですが,メキシコ国境からの不法移民を増やし,生後の嬰児殺害を容認するような全く奇異な方向に行く可能性があります.トランプが4年弱の間に,正常化して来た国内外の全ての政策が見直され,多くが逆戻りになることも想定されます.この選挙の結果は世界中に影響します.


Hyung Jin Nim's VISION Before the Election! Nov.4,2020

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?” Saul answered, “I am in great distress, for the Philistines are warring against me, and God has turned away from me and answers me no more, either by prophets or by dreams. Therefore I have summoned you to tell me what I shall do.” And Samuel said, “Why then do you ask me, since the Lord has turned from you and become your enemy? The Lord has done to you as he spoke by me, for the Lord has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, David. Because you did not obey the voice of the Lord and did not carry out his fierce wrath against Amalek, therefore the Lord has done this thing to you this day. Moreover, the Lord will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me. The Lord will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.” 1 Samuel 28:15-19

If you do not have a firm conviction from the beginning and just follow this path, God’s will cannot be accomplished. You should have firm conviction. I brought this victorious result because I knew this as an absolute and sure path and started with the resolve to bring victory without fail. Countless individuals, families, tribes, peoples and nations opposed me and tired to shake my conviction and block my path. The world, too, has opposed me. Such things have have intervened. You should inherit such a tradition, but can you inherit it without understanding? When you inherit such an amazing thing, you have to do so with a new resolve. In other words, you should inherit it with a conviction that enables you to say, “I will do more than run to the end of the world and to the top of the sky” while being strong, bold and so grateful to amaze God. The hearts of Heavenly Father and True Father are such that when they see your attitude, they will want to bequeath everything to you. The stark reality is that God is gathering and teaching those who know nothing and have no idea what is happening to the world. This is sorrowful indeed.
CSG 256

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by discussing how this election is a battle between good and evil. If Biden is elected, Communist China will spread its control throughout the world.

Jim Snyder, a South Korean war veteran came to the service and shared about his experiences. He is 89 years old now. On October 3, 1951 his Company G was at the Han river sniping at the Chinese soldiers. Many fellow soldiers were killed. Only 19 men were left to retake the hill. By the grace of God he survived. After he finished speaking, Korean brothers and sisters each came to the front to embrace him.

If not for the sacrifice of Korean war veterans modern day Koreans would be part of Communist China. Those living today would never had heard the gospel.

Steve Bannon said again that NE Pennsylvania is key to the election. Pres. Trump is standing up for Judeo-Christian civilization. Biden and Harris stand for the killing of children AFTER birth. Women in the USA have murdered 70 million babies since 1973. Most Planned Parenthood clinics are located in minority communities. Margaret Sanger wanted to eliminate Blacks.

This presidential election will affect the whole world. It will have consequences for our children and grandchildren. New evidence showing the corruption of the Biden family is being covered up and censored by Big Tech.

We fight not against flesh and blood, but against wickedness in high places. We must get in the fight. Our efforts can make a difference.

Hyung Jin Nim had an amazing vision last night. He was in a large casket with True Father whose body was in a prone position with rigor mortis. They were on the way to the Wonjeon. All of a sudden, True Father is standing up. Hyung Jin Nim said to himself, “He has risen!” He realized the message was, “I am alive and I am with you!”

Jiyea Nim had a dream where Hak Ja Han tried to sit in the True Mother seat. True Mother Kang came in and assumed the right position. She did not worship herself as a goddess. Until her dying day, she wrote “how can a sinful woman receive such grace?”

He spoke about the many brothers and sisters working on the painting of a Korean pavilion near the new True Parents Memorial. In traditional Pancheon style, but with Christian images inside, the Lion of Judah, Rose of Sharon and Lily of the Valley. They worked for 19 days from 7am to 7pm, even until 2am.

The Bible warns against wizardry and séances which put you in contact with the low-level spirit world of demonic spirits. King Saul initially put away those with familiar spirits, but when Philistines army came he was afraid and could not hear God’s voice or prophets because he had been trying to kill David. Saul asked for a spiritist, breaking his own law.

God is not our Butler. He does not have to respond or answer our prayers. Antichrist systems are all centralized. Bill Gates says the lockdown should continue. He is not a medical doctor. Who made him an authority?

In God’s Kingdom, even the leaders must respect the free will of the citizens, who will judges of nations. Do not be led astray by Romans 13. God did not make governments his heir and successor. He gave it to His children. God lives for love, not power.

Government taking the role of the father has not been good for the children, weakening the Christian home. These are ancient ideas. State raising of children was advocated by Plato centuries before Christ.

We have to stand up in our kingly role for justice. God made the priests kill the 3,000 Israelites who worshipped Golden Calf.

Sanctuary Church Sunday Service, Nov.1, 2020

