





亨進ニムがまだ体調が優れないため,私は聖日礼拝を行うように言われました.今は,米国史における摂理の時です.旧約聖書に記された多くの出来事と同様に重要です.愛国者達と篤実な信徒等の信仰は,この大統領選挙の潔白さと時期尚早なジョー・バイデンの次期米国大統領の宣言に疑問を持つ者達を嘲笑する主要なメディアとビッグ・テック(=Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Facebook, Microsoft)の執拗な猛攻撃に晒され,試されています.










The Rod of Iron Ministries: Celebration of 21-Day condition and Call to Action




一連の不正の背後には,ChinaやDeep Stateの濃厚な影が感じられます.彼らは,就任以来トランプ大統領を倒すことに躍起になって来ました.トランプの改革は,米国を国民の手に戻すことですから,彼らには不都合な事ばかりです.トランプは,最終的には,ドル紙幣発行の権限を連邦政府主導に戻すかも知れません.これに手を出した勇敢な大統領は,殆ど暗殺されています.しかし,トランプは一命を賭しても,正義を実行するかも知れません.彼の熱意の背景には,神様とアボニム,イエス様がいらっしゃる筈です.トランプは本人も分からない内に多くの難局を突破しています.複数のDealを同時並行的に熟しています.四人の大統領ぐらいの力量を一人で発揮しています.彼に天運がある内に,米国民を覚醒させて,米国を中心とした新しい自由世界の基軸を立てて欲しいものです.それは,天一国創建への布石ともなる筈です.

America's PROVIDENTIAL Moment and I Nov.11,2020

Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, “We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will certainly prevail over it.” But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, because they are too strong for us.” So they brought a bad report of the land which they had spied out to the sons of Israel, saying, “The land through which we have gone to spy out is a land that devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are people of great stature. We also saw the [d]Nephilim there (the sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim); and we were like [e]grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” Numbers 13:30-33

You are on the battlefield under the command of God and the True Parents, and you will dash forward until you fight against and win over the last one of the satanic powers. From morning until night, you must be strong warriors. However fortified the fortress of Satan may be, however big the obstacles that are laid before you may be, you must go through them and win the goal. You must never forget that we are in the position to carry out this mission which is assigned to us by God. We are the princes and princesses of God to liberate the inhabitants of the spirit world, present population of the world, and future generations, from the bondage of sin. SMM, Our Present Mission, 8-4-74

Since Hyung Jin Nim was not feeling well, he asked me to give the Sunday Service. This is a providential moment in American history, as significant as many of the events recorded in the Old Testament. The faith of patriots and sincere believers is being tested in the face of a relentless onslaught of mainstream media and Big Tech mocking anyone who questions the integrity of this presidential election and the premature declaration of Joe Biden as the next president of the United States.

Many of us remember the 2000 election when Al Gore was declared to be president by virtually all of the media. We all can remember the many accomplishments of the Gore presidency--except that it never happened. The Media do not have the authority to declare the winner of an election. They have been wrong in the past and I believe they will be proven wrong this time.

Make no mistake, if systemic voter fraud is allowed to deprive legal American citizens of their real choice, then our nation will no longer be a constitutional republic. It will no longer be able to stand as a beacon of free and honest elections for the rest of the world.

Without confidence in the electoral process, our nation could fracture permanently into warring factions, with tragic outcomes that could include some form of Civil War.

Sanctuary Church Sunday Service, Nov.11, 2020
America's PROVIDENTIAL Moment
"AMERICA'S PROVIDENTIAL MOMENT!" Sanctuary Church Sunday Service 11/08/20 - YouTube

I read the transcript of Kook Jin Nim's speech at the True Parents' Memorial on the day after the election which was also the conclusion of the 21 day condition made by hundreds of Korean, Japanese and Western brothers and sisters mobilized to Pennsylvania. Here is part of what he had to say:

I mean this is very serious. I thought that people would wait a little longer for the legal warfare, wait a little bit longer, a few months, but it seems like it’s at the stage where people are actually calling for civil war. The time is very serious. We of course, want to have a peaceful resolution and hopefully the Democratic Party gets out of this crazy mental situation that they are in and tries to gather a peaceful and fair resolution to this problem, but given the steps that they have taken, it does not look like it’s going to happen. So, what will we see in America in the next few months? That is a big question.

Everybody needs to think about what it means to have your votes stolen in a republic. I mean if the Democratic Party is allowed to steal your votes in a presidential election, what does it mean for the citizens of this country, of America, and for the citizens of Korea and Japan and of all over the world? If the Democratic Party is allowed to steal the Republican Party’s votes in this election, they will steal your votes for every election from now and forever.

So, when a people are in this situation, what options are available? What choices do we have? That’s the question we need to ask ourselves. American society has been dividing for a long time, and nobody wanted to see this kind of situation happen, but we are faced with a situation where there is no way any reasonable person can step away from.

So, today we can see how the troubles are all coming together at one time here in PA; this state has really become the center of all the conflicts in this country. It’s a very significant time in a very significant place.

We know that this country has faced many challenges, and each time this country faced such challenges, some people stood up at the frontline, and even sacrificed themselves to preserve the sovereignty of this people, in this nation, so they could pass on that sovereignty to their next generations. (Transcript of Kook Jin Nim's Speech)
The Rod of Iron Ministries: Celebration of 21-Day condition and Call to Action

There are some in the faith community who say that since the highest value is "Peace," we should keep quiet in the face of the media-declared victory of Joe Biden. But the Bible's view of "peace" is different from a humanistic view. The peace spoken about in the Bible is the kind we experience when we are in alignment with God's will. We could be facing our own imminent death and feel perfectly in peace, knowing we are standing for Truth and therefor in God's love and lineage. Jesus and True Father showed all of us that example countless times.

We need to exercise faith, determination and patience at this time. We should pray for the Supreme Court which will likely be called to decide what must be done in the face of rampant voter fraud.

