




私は,自分が白人ナショナリストであることを知りませんでしたが,彼女の声には,権威があり説得力がありました.よって,私は精神的な自己診断をしました.私の妻は日本人ですから,子供達は二つの人種ですが,私が,「白人ナショナリスト」であると深く考えられたでしょうか.私は良く分からなかったので,Google で調べて,「白人文化」のツイートを見つけました.そこでは,「米国における白色度と白人文化の側面と仮定」に関するアフリカ系米国人の歴史と文化の国立博物館からの議論がなされていました.その博物館は,政府がサポートするスミソニアン協会の一部ですから,信頼できるソースであると知りました.





私は,「白人ナショナリスト」「新ナチス」を更に調べました.そして,「パトリオット・フロント」と呼ばれる白人ナショナリストグループのウェブサイトを見つけました.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriot_Front 彼らのウェブには,「米国内のメンバは,








http://WATCH: D.C. Cops Direct Trump-Supporters into Gauntlet of Protesters, Do Nothing When They Are Assaulted (breitbart.com)
http://Unity Party? Leftist Agitators Descend on MAGA Supporters in DC (westernjournal.com)
https://twitter.com/livesmattershow/status/ 1327740865545203717
https://twitter.com/VenturaReport/status/ 1327728625723060224

私は,MSNBC, CNN, NPR, 他の主要メディアの訓練された一貫性に驚きを禁じ得ません.彼らは,現職の大統領とその支持者達に痛烈な批判と侮辱を浴びせるために足並みを揃えて行進をしています.私は,ドナルド・トランプに投票した私を含む我が国民の半数が,白人ナショナリスト・レイシスト(=人種差別主義者)だったことを確信しました.



本稿の前半は,白人ナショナリストや白人文化の分析が紹介されていますが,本論は,白人ナショナリストグループのPatriot Frontに移り,それは,BLMと双子であったと説明されています.後半は,BLMやANTIFAの粗暴さと暴行が紹介されています.






Confessions of a White Nationalist at the DC Trump Rally

I drove with two friends down to the DC area Friday afternoon in advance of Saturday’s Trump rally. We’d made reservations at a Holiday Inn in Maryland and reached the hotel after a 4.5 hour drive.

As we checked in I could hear the voice of MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow speaking from the television in the lobby. She explained that a rally of “white nationalists and neo-Nazis” was to take place the next day. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was talking about me.

I didn’t know I was a white nationalist, but her voice was authoritative, even persuasive. So I did a mental self-checkup. Even though my wife is Japanese and therefore we have biracial children, was it possible that deep down I was a “white nationalist?” I wasn’t sure, so I did a Google search and found a tweet about “white culture,” discussing a display from the National Museum of African American History and Culture about “Aspects and Assumptions of WHITENESS & WHITE CULTURE in the United States.” The museum is part of the government-supported Smithsonian Institution so I knew this must be a trustworthy source.


I learned that “White Culture” teaches such things as:

• Individuals should practice “self-reliance,”
• Husbands should support their families
• 2.3 children is the ideal
• Objective, rational linear thinking
• Hard work is the key to success
• Christianity is the norm
• Plan for the future and delayed gratification
• Justice based on English common law. Protect property. Intent counts.

Going through the list I realized that I had to admit to holding many assumptions of “white culture.” I believed in people working hard, husbands supporting their families, trying to understand things objectively and rationally, planning for the future, delaying gratification, justice, protecting people from stealing by others or by the government.

While I’d failed to have 2.3 children, I was guilty of most of these other values. But I knew Asian and African immigrants who also strongly believed in these things as well, so were they infected with “white culture too?” I knew Black Americans who practiced these values, so were they cursed by “whiteness” as well?

I did more research about “white nationalists” and “neo-Nazis” and found a website of a white nationalist group called the “Patriot Front.” Their website states “membership within the American nation is inherited through blood, not ink. Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those not of the founding stock of our people.”

Since my wife is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Asia, she would not be accepted as an American citizen by this group. Since I have Jewish ancestry, I wouldn’t be either.

They state that “America’s goals will be sought with the united and enduring passion of the national collective. No placement of the private interest above that of the common good will stand unopposed as the barriers impeding the nation’s will are overcome.”

Wow, this group places the “national collective” above private property. It advocates socialism benefiting “white people.”

I realized that the white nationalist “Patriot Front” is the MIRROR TWIN of the Marxist Black Lives Matter group that also advocates socialism and Communism. One wants a government representing the “nation’s will” to benefit those of European ancestry, the other wants government power to benefit “Blacks,” “LatinX,” and other “people of Color.” They both advocate centralized government control of the economy to benefit preferred racial groups.

This is not what the founders of America created. Having fled centralized authority in Europe, they placed LIMITS on federal power, with protections for the rights of individuals, not the “collective.”

As I traveled back home from a high-spirited and peaceful rally of people from many races to support our elected president against widespread, systemic election fraud, with no one advocating an America for one race only, I turned on a National Public Radio station and heard again that there had been a rally of “white nationalists” today.

The next day I learned that participants including elderly Trump supporters walking back to their hotels had been attacked by BLM and ANTIFA mobs. In one case, the DC police prevented Trump supporters from walking to their hotel, just a half block away, forcing them to go through a violent gauntlet of Black Lives Matter supporters who cursed, beat, and kicked several of them while they were bleeding on the ground. In other cases they surrounded and threw unknown liquids and punches at a young man and young woman and beat a man leaving the rally.

http://WATCH: D.C. Cops Direct Trump-Supporters into Gauntlet of Protesters, Do Nothing When They Are Assaulted (breitbart.com)
https://twitter.com/VenturaReport/status/ 1327728625723060224

I have to admit I am amazed by the disciplined consistency of the MSNBC, CNN, NPR and other mainstream media as they march in lockstep to throw vitriol and contempt on our current President and those who support him. They almost had me convinced that the half of our nation who voted for Donald Trump, including myself, were white nationalist racists.

While the mainstream media libels Trump supporters on air, their shock troops on the ground mete out the punishment deserved by such “racists.” As Candace Owens puts it, Black Lives Matter and Antifa are the Marxist foot soldiers of the Democrat Party who are given a pass by the leftist-controlled media.

The hate-filled spirit of the Bolsheviks and the brown shirts is alive and well on the streets of our nation’s capitol and coming to a city or town near you. But if Biden takes residence in the White House, BLM will be there too, demanding payment for their services. All of us, and future generations, will be paying their awful bill.


