





優れているという人々は,浮気をし,ありとあらゆる馬鹿げた事をするでしょう.天国に行けないのです.私が霊界に入って引っ繰り返して見て,このような事実を知るようになり,「ああ! 知らなければ良かったのに」と思う時が,どれ程あると思いますか.行って見ると,幾重にも重なった山また山です.サタンによって失ってしまった愛故に,包囲された監獄生活をしていると言うのです.
….文鮮明,天聖経,第6巻,第1章,p814, (290-18, 1998.2.2)




私達の多くは,1.12のワシントンDCにおける「Stop the Steal, 不正をやめよ」の大会に参加するでしょう.彼は,プラウド・ボーイズのリーダであるエンリク・タリオを称賛しました.彼のお父さんは,愛国者達と我が国を,独裁世界を作ろうとしている者達から守るために,キューバから逃亡しました.


http://(64) God-given Rights Should Be Honored (Sanctuary Church Sunday Service 11/22/20) - YouTube





http://(64) Trump breaks own voting record; Non-citizen receives mail-in ballot; 'Stop the Steal' rallies | NTD - YouTube




http://(64) Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Holy Blessing 11/22/20 - YouTube


http://Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates | Guttmacher Institute








トランプは,この勢力に正面から立ちはだかりました.彼は,元々政治家ではないから,共産主義のことなどあまり考えていなかったと思います.しかし,政権の座に着くと,安倍前総理の示唆等もあり,中共の工作の全貌が示されて,彼の良心は動かざるを得なかったと思います.共産国の真意が分かった時に,どのように対処しますか.放置すれば,彼らの世界制覇を食い止める時期を逸するかも知れません.しかも,彼らのバックにはDeep stateが居ます.彼は神様に祈り,Deep stateと中共を相手に苦渋の決断をしたと思います.そして,内外に多くの措置を打ち出しました.既得権益を失った人達の反発は少なくないでしょう.彼は,米国と世界のために正しいことをしても,結果として多くの敵を作りました.しかし同時に,彼を支持する人も沢山います.

この選挙は,米国と自由世界の命運を決める善悪の闘争です.米国だけの事だという識者達は,一体何を見ているのでしょうか.トランプが自由世界にどれ程大きい影響を与えましたか.日本も安倍前総理が相方を努めて,安保上の国際協力を進めることが出来ました.トランプ政権の日本への経済的な圧力も僅少であったと思います.日本国民は,トランプ大統領に感謝すべきです.時勢は止められないと思います.それは,天運とも言えるでしょう.今の米国には,明らかに天運があります.天運のある時に,その運に乗ることです.Deep stateの圧力に屈し,共産主義(者)を受け入れると天運を失うでしょう.バイデンが立つと,そのような衰退の道を限りなく行くのではないでしょうか.来年の1.20は,誰が大統領に就任するでしょうか.最後まで注視し,米国において正義が貫かれ,トランプ大統領が勝利できるよう祈りましょう.



A Time to DEFEND Our Republic!

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

Conceited people commit adultery and do all kinds of things. They cannot go to heaven. As I searched in the spirit world, I uncovered things and came to know the facts. So many times I thought, "Oh! It would have been better not to have known these things!" There are endless ranges of mountains. God is suffering as if He were in a prison under eternal siege because of the love lost to Satan. SMM, CSG 807

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by thanking the Japanese and Korean teams for coming to the U.S. and standing up. Even this morning before the service they were out rallying in Scranton. But they should remember that even God commanded one day of rest!

Governors are ordering the canceling of Thanksgiving and the gathering of families and relatives. We are living in a time of a battle between good and evil. Even in warfare we can be at peace, knowing that we may go to the spirit world for doing God’s will. The battle will take place in court, where we pray that the lies will be exposed.

There are 59 days until Jan. 20. We need to remain in prayer and public action.

Many of us will attend a Stop the Steal rally on January 12 rally in Washington, DC. He praised Enrique Tarrio, the leader of Proud Boys whose father escaped from Cuba, for defending patriots and our nation against those who would create a world of tyranny.

Sunctuary Church Sunday Service, N0v.22, 2020
God-given Rights should be honored


He then showed a video of attacks on many families leaving the Trump rally in DC on 11/14. Conservatives don’t attack leftists this way. This kind of political violence is like what happens in the Middle East and 3rd World countries and must not be tolerated.

Falun Gong was demonstrating yesterday in Harrisburg alongside of 200 patriots and Sanctuarians. Members of their group are being organ-harvested in China.

The truth is beginning to come out. U.S. votes were apparently being tabulated by a server in Germany by Dominion Systems, owned by allies of Maduro, the Marxist Dictator of Venezuela. Supreme Court Justices have been assigned to supervise federal courts in different states, with Brett Kavanaugh overseeing the 6th Circuit which includes Michigan, Amy Cony Barrett overseeing the 7th Circuit which includes Wisconsin, Samuel Alito overseeing the 3rd Circuit which includes Pennsylvania, and Clarence Thomas overseeing the 11th Circuit which includes Georgia.

Leftists celebrated too early, although inches away from the goal line.

11/21/2020 Harrisburg Rally with Hyung Jin Nim Interview
http://(64) Trump breaks own voting record; Non-citizen receives mail-in ballot; 'Stop the Steal' rallies | NTD - YouTube

Because of unconstitutional orders in many states, you can’t go to church but you can go to Walmart, where you buy mostly Chinese Communist-made products. Communist China, represented in Revelation as the red horse, is the military arm of the new global order. The Islamist Jihadists are represented as the pale horse. Mohammed’s child marriage to a 6 year old normalizes pedophilia, the defiling of the children of God. Lucifer was first pedophile.

God cares about love, not power. He gave the Blessing of the Kingdom of God to Adam and Eve, but Satan groomed Eve.

The Welfare state gives checks to mothers who do not have husbands. The same happens in South Korea, incentivizing women to have multiple children with no committed fathers. Before the Welfare State was created in the U.S. there were tens of thousand of charities which helped single women who were pregnant, but they insisted on moral responsibility.

Holy Blessing of Yuta Suzuki and Jung Jin Kim

The socialist agenda is to destroy good men who are strong. That is why Communist countries disarm their citizens. Leftists promote an agenda to reduce the age of consent to 10 years old. Transgenderism seeks to give adult legal powers to children. If you oppose this then you are guilty of persecuting those with “minor attraction syndrome,” a revival of ancient ritual prostitution and child sacrifice which was widespread in the age before the coming of Jesus Christ. Only the Jews who followed the God of the Bible opposed such practices. Abortion takes away responsibility for sexuality. Sex outside of marriage is forbidden because it is destructive and creates Satan’s culture.

Immoral people can be easily controlled. One in 4 women in the U.S. have destroyed their own children through abortions.
http://Abortion Is a Common Experience for U.S. Women, Despite Dramatic Declines in Rates | Guttmacher Institute

Marriage centered on God is powerful. Christian culture creates prosperity. The Bible declares man’s origin in the image of God who is responsible for his actions. This is the opposite of the materialist view of humanists and militant atheists in the Communist party.

According to Pennsylvania Covid 19 mandates, we are in an illegal gathering at church today, but the government mandates across the country are unconstitutional. It’s as if we are all living in an unbelievable sci fi novel and painfully reminiscent of North Korea and China, where sanctioned churches support government tyranny. People who escaped such nations now see Communism coming here, but the Bible says to resist the Devil and he will flee!

Then Hyung Jin Nim prayed about the fact that we can call upon God our Father and have a personal relationship with Him, the Creator of the Universe. We are blessed. We want the whole world to have that, to have constitutions that protect the freedom to worship God. We rebuke the principalities that do not respect those rights.

We pray for the weakening of those forces that seek to enslave the human race. We believe that You are guiding our path. We seek to be moral and generous like You. The scripture says that You will guide us through the valley of death. We shall dwell in your Kingdom.

America’s destiny is hanging in the balance. We pray for those who are standing up to support our President, to preserve liberty for all. Through You, all things are possible.


