



食事が終わると,イエスはシモン・ペトロに,「ヨハネの子シモン,この人達以上に私を愛しているか」と言われた.ペトロが,「はい,主よ,私があなたを愛していることは,あなたがご存じです」と言うと,イエスは,「私の小羊を飼いなさい」と言われた.二度目にイエスは言われた.「ヨハネの子シモン,私を愛しているか.」ペトロが,「はい,主よ,私があなたを愛していることは,あなたがご存じです」と言うと,イエスは,「私の羊の世話をしなさい」と言われた. 三度目にイエスは言われた.「ヨハネの子シモン,私を愛しているか.」ペトロは,イエスが三度目も,「私を愛しているか」と言われたので,悲しくなった.そして言った.「主よ,あなたは何もかもご存じです.私があなたを愛していることを,あなたはよく知っておられます.」イエスは言われた.「私の羊を飼いなさい.はっきり言っておく.あなたは,若いときは,自分で帯を締めて,行きたいところへ行っていた.しかし,年をとると,両手を伸ばして,他の人に帯を締められ,行きたくないところへ連れて行かれる.」 ペトロがどのような死に方で,神の栄光を現すようになるかを示そうとして,イエスはこう言われたのである.このように話してから,ペトロに,「私に従いなさい」と言われた.










http://(13) "Do You Love Me, America?" Asks God. (Sunday Service at Historical Barn of 1869 01/03/21) - YouTube







http://(9) "True Parents" (Sanctuary Church Sunday Service 01/03/2021) - YouTube


米国人は,自由を愛し,共産主義から免れると考えていますが,ミルガンの実験では,大多数の人々は,「権威」が他人を傷つける非道徳間的な方向に同調することが示されています.http://Milgram experiment - Wikipedia

アボニムは,この脅威を警告し,特に米国の女性達を懲らしめました.彼女達は,更にもっと左翼的な候補者に投票し,その政策は米国の問題を増長します.あなたに悪いことは来ないと考えるのは,危険です.多くの人達が,放蕩と不倫に陥り,不正に抵抗できなくなります.だから,私達には神様が必要です.http://he Gender Gap in Voting - Bloomberg




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original text;

God: "DO YOU LOVE ME, America?"   Jan.5, 2021

When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” He said to him a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Tend my sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go.” (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, “Follow me.”
John 21:15-19

Today, America is plagued with problems: racism, juvenile delinquency, and immorality. Christianity is declining. Communism is rising. The menace of Communism is everywhere. Of all these problems, atheistic Communism is the worst. Is it not just America's problem; it is the problem of religious people, it is the problem of God Himself.

Ladies and gentlemen, at this crossroads of human history, we must listen to the calling of God. God prepared America for 200 years. This is the time for awakening. America must accept her global responsibility. Armed with Godism, she must free the Communist world, and at last, build the Kingdom of God here on earth. God has chosen America as the flag bearer. America must rise up. Today. Tomorrow may be too late.

I not only respect America, but truly love this nation. I respect and love her as a great nation, as a godly nation, and as the central nation in God's Providence. She is now at the threshold of her third century. She must not disappoint God. Today let us pledge to God Almighty that we shall do His will. We shall never let Him down. Never!
SMM. America and God’s Will, September 18, 1976

Hyung Jin Nim held the Sunday Service in a barn in Lancaster, near where a protest was held later in the day urging the Pennsylvania legislators to de-certify the fraudulent electoral votes for Joseph Biden (see video below).

He started by discussing how in John 21:15-19, the resurrected Jesus was asking Peter, who had just betrayed him three times, “do you love me?”

True Father referred to America as a chosen "elder son" nation. God is asking America, “do you love me? Do you remember who made you? Who freed you?” God has to use willing human beings as His hands and feet. The battle between good and evil is always in the end about love. Whom do we love? The truth or just our own desires? Since it is a narrow, difficult path God always uses a small group of people to change the world for His purpose.

If America loves self-interest and power, then Communism will take over.

He spoke about “300” the movie about the Spartans in Greece facing the much larger Persian army. Many of the Greeks were losing faith they could win against the Persians and wanted to surrender.

Sunday Service in Lancaster on 1/3/2021

Through Christ we are made Kings and Priests. That is why "political satanists" hate Christianity. We have to grow to become more like God and Christ and learn to rule with justice and benevolence.

We can see the arrogance of the Intelligentsia and elites. Centralization of power is always dangerous. We must always be growing and learning from those who are better than us.

Christians have not done well in training their children to resist the secular culture. Jesus spoke about 2 great commandments. Love God and love your neighbor. But the Covid 19 lockdowns make you suspicious of your neighbor, like those in North Korea who reported about neighbors who watched forbidden South Korean dramas and as a result were taken to prison. Years later, if still alive, they were released as broken men and women.

The new normal is masks and lockdowns. Children are allowed by the State, against the wish of their own parents, to make decisions about transgender surgery that ruins their bodies and makes them sterile.

"Decertify!" Protest at Rep. Bryan Cutler's home, the Pennsylvania Speaker of House

Sunday Service in Newfoundland on 1/3/2021

Our government often uses its vast legal machinery to vilify patriots. Ron Paul supporters and others are put on the list of potential domestic terrorists since they are labeled as Christian Nationalists and Vaccine Deniers. Some federal agents operate as a criminal cartel and are in the process of stealing this presidential election.

Americans think they are freedom-loving and immune to Communism, but the Milgram experiment showed that the vast majority of people will comply with immoral directions from "authorities" to harm others.http://milgram%20experiment%20-%20wikipedia/

True Father warned about this threat and would chastise American women especially. They are much more likely to vote for more leftist candidates and policies that increase America's problems. To think evil cannot come to you is dangerous. Many become licentious and immoral so they cannot resist unrighteousness. That is why we need God.

We need to prepare and train for the fight. God can use the tribulation for His will to unite the body of Christ. It’s obviously better if we can use our rights to freedom of speech, assembly to seek redress of grievances. Otherwise we will have to fight physically, with many dying.

We are facing a difficult situation in America with the stealing of the presidential election, but we should remember that it was most likely that Israelites would remain slaves in Egypt and then the Hand of God intervened. We cannot solve this alone. It is in God’s power, but we are His hands. We are fighting for the survival of America, the world and for future generations.

There is a saying that history favors the bold. Pray that Trump has supernatural boldness.

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