



「… 強く,雄々しくあれ.私がこの民の先祖に誓い,今この民に与える地を,彼らに受け継がせるのは貴方だからだ.貴方は唯,大いに強く,雄々しくありなさい.私の僕モーセが貴方に命じた律法を全て守り行い,そこから右にも左にもそれてはいけない.そうすれば,貴方は何処に行っても成功を収める.この律法の書を口から離さず,昼も夜もこれを唱え,書かれている全ての事を守り行いなさい.そうすれば,貴方は行く先々で栄え,成功を収める.強く,雄々しくあれと,私は貴方に命じたではないか.狼狽えてはならない.慄いてはならない.貴方が何処に行っても,貴方の神,主が貴方と共に居るからだ.」












米国の独立には,復讐だけではなく,いと高き目的がありました.MAGA(=Make America Great Again)運動には,トランプという億万長者も低所得者達も入って,共通の目的をシェアしました.左翼は,皆さんが,それは皆さんを嫌う「白人」であると考えることを欲していますが,神様は,あらゆる背景の人達を惹きつけ,悔い改めるために招きます.




シークムンド・フロイドの甥,エドワード・ルイス・バーネイズhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Bernays は,豪州出身の米国人で,公的関係とプロパガンダhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_relations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda の分野におけるパイオニアでした.彼の最も有名なキャンペーンは,フェミニスト「自由の光明」として,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torches_of_Freedom タバコをブランド化することによって,1929年の女性の喫煙を推進する努力でした.左翼のプロパガンダは,夫達や父親達を「家父長主義者」として描いています.悪魔は,疑いを齎し,神様は私達の面倒を見ない暴君であると言いますが,「皆さんは,皆さんの面倒を見る私を信用できます」







MAGAの話が登場しました.トランプ前大統領は,年初頃に,プラットフォームを立ち上げたようです.https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ と言うサイトをご覧ください.ツイッターやフェースブックから追放されたトランプ自身がメッセージを発信しています.内容は,多岐に渡っています.彼は,今の米国に不可欠な逸材です.バイデンのような傀儡政権が何時まで継続するのか,言行不一致の民主党政権は,対中共政策に於いても,具体的には何もしないことが予想されます.

original text
LIES versus our EPIC QUEST! May 4,2021

Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:6-9

You can understand why the dispensation starts from the denial of the existing system of living and of the old loyalties. Each person must first leave the old world and start anew. Unless there is a movement that teaches this, the world has no hope to return to God's ideal. Just blindly denying things is not what is called for; you must know beforehand the precise way to recreate yourself. First you must see a new vision and hope centering on the Messiah. As soon as you unite with him, you can become a new creation and give hope to mankind. Then all people will have a goal and can find the courage to deny themselves and unite with him. SMM, The Dividing Peak of Restoration 1/15/78

Hyung Jin Nim started Sunday’s service by discussing the Blessing of Atsushi Higuchi to Junko Yamamoto. The doctor told him the cancer would kill him within one week, but when Mrs. Yamamoto expressed a desire to be blessed with him, he gained the will to live and today they will receive the Blessing!

He then discussed the parable in Luke 16 about the corrupt manager who reduced what was owed by debtors. The parables can be challenging to understand. Ultimately they are a condemnation to those whose minds and hearts are so closed that they “do not have eyes to see or ears to hear.” The manager is praised for being shrewd, but believers must be shrewd in pursuing in pursuing the true wealth of the Kingdom.

Researchers have found that people spend 50 years of their lives thinking about money. There are different types of riches. The manager will enjoy his riches for 80 years at most, but we will enjoy the fruits of our investments in God’s Kingdom for eternity. The USA founders risked their lives, their fortunes and their honor for true riches.

Throughout history conquerors would expand their territory through rape, pillage and plunder. The Israelites were instructed to wipe out 31 kingdoms in Canaan, but not to take pillage. This was unprecedented in warfare. “You are a holy army, so you cannot operate in the ways of the world. You must fight for a higher purpose.”

Sanctuary Service 5/2/2021

When he was inaugurated, George Washington prayed, “we dedicate this land to you.” We are called to engage in the heroic quest. Many churches have acquiesced to leftist, gay agenda, but there is no epic agenda to attract people, so they are losing members. The Gospel attracts not by making it easier, but by inviting people to be like Christ, to emulate the suffering path of the Son of God

Postmodernism has replaced this epic quest with empty new identities, where people can allegedly change their gender on a whim. Registered Democrats report significantly poorer mental health than Republicans, even when controlling for income or education levels. https://news.gallup.com/poll/102943/republicans-report-much-better-mental-health-than-others.aspx They want to project that illness on society. Part of it is their greater belief in materialism which sees our lives as random result of matter, no more meaningful that the lives of cockroaches.

Blessing of Atsushi HIguchi and Junko Yamamoto

We live in a world of consequences, but if we have delusions it’s natural to blame others. Hyung Jin Nim’s philosophy teacher taught, “we judge others by actions and ourselves by our intentions.”

The French Revolution did not maintain the higher ground. They just wanted to eradicate the current leaders at the time. Marxist revolutions want to stratify society and divide it between different groups. In Venezuela the socialists motivated indigenous and darker skinned against whites who were doing better. You need a moral ground to stratify vertically so there is moral reform on all levels, not just vilification of certain groups.

The American revolution had a high purpose, not just revenge. The MAGA movement involved Trump, a billionaire, and lower classes in a shared common purpose. Leftists want you to think that it’s the “white man” who hates you, but God attracts people of all backgrounds and invites them to repentance.

Hyung Jin Nim’s oldest brother was a chronic alcoholic. They later found out he was molested at a young age. That led Hyung Jin Nim to decide not to touch alcohol.

Freedom always comes with responsibility. Trump exposed the reality of the Deep State, election fraud, as well as the politicized FBI and Justice Department. With the Covid 19 pandemic, economies throughout the world were shut down. Elites acting to do a “re-set” on the whole world. Churches and small businesses were all shut down. The threat of the virus was an excuse for a type of Communist centralized control to be implemented here.

As long as freedom exists in America, the people around the world have hope, since they are treated according to the view that they are made in the image of God. That is why the totalitarians are seeking to take down the USA. They are raiding the personal lawyer of President Trump, censoring conservative voices, normalizing control we would never have tolerated before.

Edward Louis Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, was an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda. His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom." Leftist propaganda portrays committed husbands and fathers are “the patriarchy.” The devil brings doubt and says that God is a tyrant, who doesn’t care about you, but “you can trust me to take care of you!”

The happiness of women has declined since the 1950s. Many of them replaced the epic quest from God with smoking, drugs, free sex, advanced degrees, and careers.

Jesus did not promise we would all become millionaires. He said, “you will be mocked and hated for my name’s sake” and sometimes killed. The benefit of pursing such a path has to be greater than the suffering and it is.

Sometimes our fears and anxiety make things look bigger than they really are. God is saying, “I will give you an epic life forever.” “I love you as my children. I want you to inherit my lineage and mission.” It’s not a question of power. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind.


