




ええ! 私は,自分のAR-15を先週の日曜日に「崇拝する」筈であったとは知りませんでした.私は,破門されたかと思いました.

これは,ビルが書いたものです.「サンクが,テキサスで,ブランチ・デビディアン(=7th Day Adventistの会派)と端部が接するワコ(Waco)から遠くない処の土地を買った事実は,皮肉を越えています.私達は,それは,彼らに最後には良くなかったことを知っています.この40エーカの土地が,政府が皆さんの後から来るという極端な出来事において,皆さんを守ると考えるのは,空想です.もし,そのような終末のシナリオが起これば,その時までに,米国は長子国としての責任を果たせていないでしょう.


Fort Worth Star-Telegramは,VICEの記事の数日後に,読む価値のある記事を出しました.ライムストーン郡の保安官,マレイ・アグニュウは「有料のマリーナを訪ねて」語りました.https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/bud-kennedy/article251567363.html







1) 石鹸箱(修正第1条として知られている,天与の言論と信教の自由が,政府やビッグテックの検閲によって攻撃された時,静かにはしていない事)
2) 投票箱(選挙の整合性の為の自由と活動を支持し,私達の投票が本当に重要になる政治的な努力に積極的に参加する事)
3) 陪審箱(制限された政府を大切にし,岩盤左翼の『前衛』闘争に対して立ち上がる天与の権利守るユダヤ・クリスチャンの世界観を理解する,腐敗していない法廷)
4) 弾薬箱(米国の建国者達は,自己防衛と家族や社会,国家を,内外の全ての脅威から守る道徳的責任の権利を持つことを理解していた)



ビルは, (韓鶴子氏)は,クリスチャンの聖職者への支援を刷新して,彼らの多くが祝福を受けるように,もっと建設的かつ希望的なアプローチをしており,今度の土曜日,6.5には,平和と祝福の祝祭[Peace & Blessing Festival]があり,数千とまでは行かなくても数百の聖職者達が,実際に繋がると指摘しています.



TXの土地と施設の購入が,VICE Newsで一度話題になったようですが,サンクチュアリ(SC)は,AR-15を崇拝するとか,当該の土地と施設は誰かを守るために購入したというような話は,滑稽としか言いようがありません.そもそも,銃を崇拝する信仰者が居る筈もないし,40エーカは,約4.9万坪ですから,少し大きい学校や広い工場の敷地程度です.Tiny houseも5~6坪でしょうから,アクセスや離隔距離等を考えると1,000戸程度が限界でしょう.これで,誰かを守るという発想が出るのでしょうか.あたかも,SCが何か,反体制的な危険な事を企んでいるかのような,或いは米国政府が,後ろからSCを撃ってくるような事態を仮想した言質です.例えば,左翼の手先であるANTIFAやBLM等が不当な攻撃をした場合,SCの平和軍・平和警察は,自己と家族,コミュニティの防衛のために,銃器を取って反撃する用意が出来ています.地元の自警団も同様の対応をする筈です.トランプ大統領の選挙期間中にも,バスで移動して来た傭兵テロ集団が,SCや國進ニムの銃器店の周辺などを襲撃しようと試みましたが,対抗措置が取られた事を察知して,退却しました.土地や箱物の確保は勿論重要ですが,もっと重要な事は,自衛の意思と手段があるということです.Liberty Rockは,複合レジャー施設です.不特定のお客が,キャンピングカーなどで出入りしています.それをまるで,砦のようにして食口や愛国者を守るのですか.あり得ない発想です.



original text

The Liberty Rock, TX "SCANDAL"

In an email to me last week, a FFWPU brother, “Bill,” recently expressed his concern about the VICE News report about Sanctuary Church’s purchase of a “sprawling, 40-acre compound in central Texas.” The title of the article tells all you need to know about the article, “Gun Church That Worships With AR-15s Bought a 40-Acre Compound in Texas for Its ‘Patriots.”

Wow, I didn’t know I was supposed to “worship” with my AR-15 last Sunday. I guess I could be excommunicated?

Here is what Bill wrote: “The fact that SC just bought a property in TX not far from Waco where the Branch Davidians met their end is beyond ironic. We know it did not end well for them. To think that this 40 acre property is going to protect you in the extreme event that the gov't comes after you is a fantasy. If it really comes down to such a doomsday scenario, then by that time America will have already failed in its responsibility as the elder son nation.”

Well, no one in Sanctuary whom I know thinks that a 40 acre property in Texas is going to “protect” us. Last month my wife, Miho, and I had the chance to visit Liberty Rock in Texas. It is a beautiful spot near an inlet that connects to a large lake with a lot of white bass and other fish species. I even caught a few myself. A small store on the property sells bait, aspirin, sun-screen and sodas. I didn’t notice any arsenals on the property, but maybe I didn’t look hard enough?

The Ft. Worth Star-Telegram wrote an article a few days after the VICE article that is worth reading. Limestone County Sheriff Murray Agnew “paid the marina a visit,” saying:

“They are Second Amendment supporters, and they are conservative and Christian in their values and beliefs,” (Sheriff) Agnew reported.

The article goes on to quote from a sermon that Hyung Jin Nim gave on February 6 at Liberty Rock:

“We pray for President [Donald] Trump,” Moon told a handful of worshippers two weeks after Biden’s inauguration. “We pray for all the patriots — we pray for all the people who will stand for goodness at this critical time and resist the devil.”

The sad reality is that many Americans, apparently including a number of Family Fed leaders, are oblivious to the grave danger facing this country. If they really cared about activities in Texas that threatened America they would pay attention to the fact that Communist China controls 200 square miles in Texas next to a major Air Force base under the ruse of a wind farm company that is hooked into the U.S. electric grid. Now what could possibly go wrong with the Chinese Communists having direct access to the U.S. electric grid???

Kyle Bass: Communist China Controls 200 Sq Miles in Texas Next to Major Air Force Base

Bill goes on to state: “I agree with much of your analysis of the problems afflicting America today, but I do not agree with SC's approach to a solution, which is not a solution at all. It will lead to self-destruction.”

Bill, I agree with you that the caricature of the Sanctuary approach is not a solution, so what IS Sanctuary Church’s approach to America’s problems? It could be summarized with utilizing the 4 Boxes of Freedom:

1) The Soap Box (not remaining silent when our God-given freedoms of speech and worship acknowledged in the 1st Amendment are under attack through government and Big Tech censorship)
2) The Ballot Box (active participation in political efforts that support freedom and working for Election Integrity so that our votes really matter)
3) The Jury Box (uncorrupt courts which have an understanding of the Judeo-Christian worldview that values limited government and protects God-given rights standing up against the hard-left “progressive” agenda)
4) The Ammo Box (America’s founders understood that citizens have the right of self-defense and the moral responsibility to protect their families, communities and nation against all threats, foreign and domestic.)

The past century was filled with mass murders in nations like Armenia, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Uganda, and Guatemala. All of these were preceded by disarming the population. Americans should not be so arrogant to think that gun confiscation followed by such actions could not happen here. Current appointees in the Biden administration openly talk about gun confiscation from law-abiding citizens.

While no sane person seeks for violent conflict except as a last resort, is it "true love" to accept being forced to be defenseless? I don't think so. True Father Sun Myung Moon was not a pacifist. He spoke many times about the need for “peace through strength” and in the 1960s even challenged church members to follow him to the 38th parallel to defend the (South Korean) nation when it appeared that North Korea was going to attack.

Bill goes on to point out that “(Hak Ja Han) is taking a much more constructive and hopeful approach in renewing our outreach to Christian ministers, many of whom are starting themselves to get blessed…This next Saturday, June 5, will be a Peace and Blessing Festival at which hundreds, if not thousands, of clergy will connect virtually.”

Since Hak Ja Han speaks more about working on leftist causes like “fighting climate change” than about the need to defend liberty, it is clear to me that she and her advisors are either ignorant about the real existential threats to our constitutional republic and world freedom, or out of self-interest, unwilling to speak about them. Maybe the veterans who died in past wars that we commemorated a few days ago could remind her that without freedom there is no “world peace.”

That is what Hyung Jin Sean Moon understands and teaches. And I am proud to stand with him and other patriots in this cause.


