





亨進ニムは,金曜日にホーンズデールにて開催された「We the People」のラリーのビデオを上映しながら,礼拝を始めました.https://rumble.com/vj3lqx-we-the-people-rally-honsdale-pa.html

















今,祝福の権能は,アボニムの相続者・後継者・代身者である亨進ニムが継承されました.そのことを皆さんは,どのように認識していますか.アボニムの後継者は,韓氏ですか,それとも顯進氏ですか.2008.4にアボニムが後継者を決められた後,後継者は変わっていません.アボニムと韓氏が一体であるから,韓氏の言行は,アボニムの言行であるという論法が流布されていますが,これは全くのFake と思います.お二人が一体ならば,何故,韓氏は公の場で,アボニムのお名前を7年以上一度も語らなかったのでしょうか.清平に石像群が立てられたようですが,韓氏の像が中央に配置され,アボニムの像は一体何処にあるのですか.今も,韓氏を信じ,従っている人達には,深い祈祷をお勧めします.神様とアボニムに何が善で,誰が正しいのかを真摯に問いかけて見て下さい.必ず,回答が与えられるでしょう.

original text

RIGHT vs WRONG in America, not POWER June 30,2021

Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and say to him, When you set up the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light in front of the lampstand.” And Aaron did so: he set up its lamps in front of the lampstand, as the Lord commanded Moses. And this was the workmanship of the lampstand, hammered work of gold. From its base to its flowers, it was hammered work; according to the pattern that the Lord had shown Moses, so he made the lampstand. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Take the Levites from among the people of Israel and cleanse them. Numbers 8:1-6

Even to those people who try to kill me, when I love them, when I pray for them, I am showing them the heart of God, the heart of True Parents. That’s the love of any parents. Parents are like that; no matter how bad their sons and daughters are, they still pray for them. SMM, On Approaching God, 3-3-75

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by playing the video of the “We the People” rally which was held on Friday in Honesdale. https://rumble.com/vj3lqx-we-the-people-rally-honsdale-pa.html
Next, he spoke about the passage in Numbers 8 where God instructed Moses to set the seven lamps in front of the lampstand. Afterwards He instructed Moses to separate the Levites from among the people of Israel and cleanse them as the priests of their nation.

He spoke about Hannukah, also known as the Festival of Lights or the Feast of Dedication, the holiday celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem following the Maccabean revolt against the Syrian-Greek army. The holiday takes place for eight nights and days, commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple. Each night for 8 days, a candle on a lampstand is lit to remind believers of the miracle of the oil that lasted for 8 days.

The Maccabees who were the Jewish militia resisted the Hasmonean tyranny led by Antiochus Epiphanes, the King of Syria. In 167 BC he ordered that desecration of the temple in Jerusalem removing the holy things from the temple and sacrificing a pig on an altar of Zeus. In our time, we need to cleanse ourselves and resist the pagan culture that desecrates the things of God.

Lampstands are equivalent to churches which are to contain and shine with the light of Christ. Young men shouldn’t just date for pleasure since they are called to be priests and kings in our families, who rule with justice, not tyranny.

Sanctuary Service 6/27/2021

Last year we traveled to Honesdale when 3 buses of BLM/Antifa were on the way to cause havoc, but they turned around. We have to stand up and show our determination to defend our families and communities.

Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights activists didn’t end segregation by just complaining about it. They had to show up in public and encounter the hatred and violence of the segregationists.

God didn’t place Adam and Eve in a garden, not in the wilderness or in a populated city. The covenant of marriage is like a garden, a place of stability and unity with access to the power of nature.

Asian moms are Tiger Moms pushing their children to study. Their children excel in education and in obtaining high-paying careers, but have higher rates of depression and even attempting suicide. There needs to be a balance between discipline and time to explore the creation.

True Father would catch eels with his mouth as a child. It’s important to develop a love for creation. Nature is the true magical kingdom. A garden keeps out the predators. It’s important for fathers to do more than work. Get outside with your children!

The church is a type of a garden with protections against predators and allow flourishing. But many churches become too centralized. In the beginning, churches were decentralized. True Father said families should be the locus of priesthood and kingship. Before marriage we should be taught and preparing for our future roles. Marriage is a special place for intimacy.

It is a sad reality that American youth are exposed to pornography as young as age 7. Parents should not be silent to talk about this. They should be able to share about their powerful marriage of intimacy with their children, where we become fulfilled, more like the image of God, not worse.

As Jordan Peterson explained, it’s important to guide our children to pursue a noble aim attached to a powerful transcendental purpose.

Human desire is endless. That is why there needs to be limits so that every relationship is not sexualized, ending with pedophilia. The American Psychological Association is trying to normalize adult-child sex as “minor attraction syndrome. “ The Divine Principle teaches that the Fall involved the misuse of sexual intimacy. A husband should be the representative of Christ as a family's priest and king who rules with justice.

At 6 months old children can discern between good and evil. 80% of babies will choose the nice puppet instead of the bad one. https://medicalxpress.com/news/2010-05-psychologists-babies-wrong-months.html
It’s important to parent a child with justice, not just through force or arbitrary rules. Or the opposite, with no rules or boundaries. Children who are ruled with arbitrary force learn that pursuing power is most important. So we must teach them right and wrong, not just to seek power.


