





























CCPを中心とする共産主義勢力は,アンティファやBLMを動かしつつ,メディアを牛耳り,教育界,法曹界へと食指を伸ばし,民主党議員を買収し,米国中を席巻しようとしています.メディアがトランプ大統領の就任式の日から,弾劾キャンペーンを貼ったことを,私達は忘れてはなりません.教育の左傾化は甚だしく,真面な親は,子供を学校に通わせることが出来ないで,Home schoolなどを利用しています.法曹界も,トランプ政権下においては,重要な判決が僅少でした.大統領選挙の不正に関しても,最高裁は州のマターであるとして,訴状を受理しませんでした.米国の民主党は,従来,ポピュリズムに傾倒するような議員が多く,体制批判がモットーです.今は,左翼に対して,リベラルなどという隠語が当てられていますが,一連の左翼の活動や工作には,多額の資金が投入されています.トランプは,そのような資金提供者をDS(Deep State)と総称しています.




original text

HALT the CURSED MACHINE! July 28, 2021

And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

Those who are ardently in love with God can easily overcome unhappiness, because the way of unhappiness will lead them to happiness. When I was in prison in North Korea, I went through severe torture; the more severe the torture was, the stronger I would become. Every cell of mine was mobilized to fight against the pain. I would fancy that with every blow God's blessing would be multiplied. Because of this, I was not afraid of the torture, and I could easily endure it. If we have this attitude, we can make the crooked way straight and the bumpy road smooth. Even though our path of life may be an uneasy, insecure, ephemeral one, full of misery which is more than death, we know that through God's love for us and our love of God, we can go through the path without difficulty. When we are ready to live and die in the love of God, we deserve God's protection. This is the way every human being has to go. SMM, May God Protect Us on Our Way of Destiny, 6/3/73

Hyung Jin Nim started the service by praising Pres. Trump’s speech on Saturday night in Arizona in which he described the Democrat takeover as a “Communist Revolution.”

The Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade ruling in 1973 enforced the legalization of abortion in all 50 states. It was preceded by the Sexual Revolution, which promoted the idea that having sex outside of marriage was “liberated.” But this was not new or liberated. The ancient world was rampant with sex with children, animals, etc. Leftists say that marriage is slavery, but single mothers have hard lives with no reliable male support.

Thousands of years ago, God worked through the Jews to de-sexualize relationships outside of marriage. If parents create a high-level “black belt” marriage, children will want to follow the same way. As the Bible says, man and woman are not meant to live alone.

Women are encouraged to pursue education and careers as their top priority, but 10-20 years later those who did so are more unhappy. Research has shown that unmarried, childless career women in their 40s are lonely and the least happy.

Our civilization focuses on materialism and the pursuit of money. The teaching of Darwinian evolution promotes the idea that since human beings are just highly evolved matter, you don’t have a noble purpose, which leads to nihilism and despair. Demoralized people will not have the fortitude to fight against tyranny. Did you know that there are textbooks for elementary school children teaching about anal sex?

7/25/2021 Sanctuary Service

He spoke about Yeonmi Park, who defected from North Korea and now lives in NYC. In her Columbia U music history class, the professor asked the students, “how many of you are triggered by studying western music?” All the students raised their hands, except for her.

North Korean schools have posters depicting the killing of Americans as a righteous act. But Yeonmi thinks American schools are worse than North Korea in its propaganda against European civilization and against white, heterosexual males.

Forced vaccination mandates are now beginning in Germany and France. In the USA, people are being fired from businesses, hospitals or the military if not vaccinated. Why does the Department of Agriculture have SWAT teams? We see the pushing of Critical Race Theory indoctrination into the U.S. military.

There are real threats against the United States around the world. How do such indoctrination strengthen our readiness to face those threats? They don’t. This is all the process of indoctrination and demoralization of our nation’s young adults and institutions. Biden, the Usurper in Chief, said “the most lethal terrorist threat to our nation is white supremacy.”

Even in local schools here in northeast PA there are efforts to bring Critical Race Theory into the curriculum. The best solution would be to ban the U.S. Department of Education. It would be better to have competition in education and school choice.

Hyung Jin Nim Testifies at School Board Meeting

Most Western nations have absorbed Christian values about human rights, but they are not impermeable to social pressure. Covid panic led the majority of the population to acceptance of lockdown restrictions and taking untested vaccines. The former EU health commissioner spoke out against it. A temporary 2 week lockdown became a 2 year lockdown. 39% of American universities do not have even one Republican professor. Universities have become indoctrination camps and sex clubs.

In the 1950s only 20% of young people said they didn’t believe in God, but now 43% say they do not believe. Early feminist advocates were funded by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. Children are now taught they can choose their gender. It is a rebellion against God who created men and women in His own image. Lucifer taught that “you are the author of your own identity.”

Veterans who are ready to die for the nation have a similar heart to Jesus who voluntarily laid down his life for mankind. In Roman times if soldiers fell asleep during watch duty, they were executed. Jesus’ disciples fell asleep, even though he was and is the King of Kings. Later they repented and God used them in a powerful way.

The entering of protesters on January 6 at the U.S. Capitol was called an “insurrection,” but how do you have an insurrection with no guns? Many of those who entered were taking selfies with their smart phones. It was foolish, but not an insurrection. 591 Americans have been charged, many in solitary confinement.

The founders of the USA faced the trained, expert military forces of Great Britain, which had the biggest empire in the world. Even at this dark time, there are patriots rising up in USA and in other countries. Even some Leftists are waking up to vaccine tyranny.

In a forced labor camp in Siberia the author Solzhenitsyn spoke about the need to resist evil. He asked:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

The power of those who live in Christ is that we know that our physical body is not the end. We have a spirit and soul that survive death. St. Paul – fear not the one who can kill the body, fear the one who can send you to hell.

That power of faith cannot be defeated. Even executioners could not continue to kill Christian martyrs without becoming sickened and convicted of their sin. The citizen soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War were not professionals, but they had the power of committed faith.

We can have the same attitude they had: “I am happy that this conflict is happening in my generation, not my grandchildren’s. Even if we lose our lives, His Kingdom will come.”


