




ヨハネによる福音書第3章16節をすらすらとよく暗唱するキリスト教徒達! 「神様がキリスト教会を愛されて独り子を送られたので,誰もが私を信じれば滅びず,救いを受ける」と言いましたか.「神様が世の中をこのように愛されて」と言われた,この言葉を取ってしまっているのです.救世主の使命とは何でしょうか.神様を解放することであり,サタンを処断することです.そのように人間に食いついて,さっさと処理しながら讒訴していた怨恨の元凶を誰が清算するのでしょうか.神様はできません.神様はできないのです.救世主だけができるのです.…..文鮮明,天聖経,第2巻第2章,204頁,(136-220, 1985.12.29)























韓鶴子氏宣誓供述書,2019.3.25, p101





大統領就任式から約5か月を経て,トランプは,オハイオ,フロリダ等,各地でラリー(大会)を始めました.前大統領がラリーをするのは,異例のことと思います.選挙に勝ちながら,選挙後の不正によって,大統領の椅子を奪われたトランプは,このまま静かに眠るような人ではありません.Never Give upを地で行く人です.南部で地固めをしながら,激戦区への投入も怠っていません.SAVE AMERICAのサイトを立上げ,最近は,GETTRも船出しました.早速ハッキングされたとの噂ですが,トランプは着実に,DSとLeftistに対する闘いを進め,その手を緩めていません.大統領選挙の時期に,DSは左翼やCCPと組んで,今のパンデミックを仕立てました.それも,トランプを不利にする戦術の一つでしたが,功を奏することなく,結局,2020.11.4早朝に見たようなバイデンジャンプに移るしかなかったようです.彼らが,新たな形態の戦争を仕掛けているからには,自由世界もそれ相応の対処が必要です. DSを弱体化するための最終的な手段は,彼らが握っている諸国の中央銀行を整理することになるでしょう.道のりは遠いです.しかし,トランプのような無私のリーダが連続して立つ事によって,いつの日か,人類は,二度と誰にも支配されない神様の王国を創建する筈です.



original text

Supreme Court’s Ruling on Hyung Jin Moon vs FFWPU July 6,2021

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

Many Christians memorize John 3:16 and repeat it over and over! It does not say that God so loved Christianity that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should have everlasting life. It says that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. What is the mission of the Savior? It is to liberate God and punish Satan. Who will get rid of this bitter enemy who has sunk his teeth into human beings and is accusing them so viciously? God cannot get rid of him. Only the Messiah, the Savior, can do that!
SMM, CSG 197

Hyung Jin Nim started the July 4 Service by explaining that in the Old Testament age God restricted the priesthood to one tribe, the Levites, but in Christianity you could be a religious leader even if you were not Jewish. God decentralized power. Romans 13 states that believers should respect the higher governmental powers, but in the United States of America the highest authority is the Constitution.

For society to be stable, you need to have stable families based on the union of man and woman. The fact that this is controversial in our times shows how far we are from a Godly standard and consequently our nation is suffering from that failure. For example, children living with a single mother who is living with another man have much higher rates of being abused than children living with both their biological parents.

Then, since we are observing the 245th anniversary of the events of July 4, 1776, he read out loud the entire Declaration of Independence.
Current efforts to portray our founders as only white males don’t take into account how they were human beings resisting other human beings who were enforcing increasingly centralized power. We can see that they relied on God by the clear, strong statements in the Declaration about the “Supreme Judge” and “Creator.” In contrast pagans worshipped gods like Baal which embodied immoral human desires and practices like free sex and child sacrifice.

7/4/2021 Sanctuary Service part one

Gov. Northam of Virginia endorsed “post birth” killings of babies born alive after failed abortions. In a way, this is similar to Baal worship where children were thrown into a furnace. In ancient Babylonian society, young girls were sent to be trained in temple prostitution, where they were forced to have sex with strangers. Such traumatic experiences destroy the fabric of a healthy society and promotion of free sex and sex slavery in our secular culture traumatizes many men and women today. Sinning against God leads to accumulation of pain and regret.

In Korea, which was a Confucianist country, Christian evangelism in the 1900s led to freeing of bond servants and slaves by members of the Youngban class. Christianity leads us out of tribal group identities to viewing each other as a child of God.

The merging of Christianity with the State in Rome led to a centralization of religion and state that could be called “Churchianity,” but centuries later the translation of Bible into native languages and the invention of the printing press allowed people to access God’s word directly, and to internalize its deep belief in free will. Many sects were insisting on their right to worship as they pleased.

In Europe, many upheavals simply replaced one tyrant with another. Even though Christianity had existed for 1700 years, America was the first to establish a nation based on protecting God-given freedoms.

7/4/21 Sanctuary Service part two

God was preparing believers for the coming of the Messiah. Many churches don’t want to “get political,” but there are clear signs that socialism aka “political satanism” is invading them! Democracy has been corrupted leading to mob rule and eroding the authority of the U.S. Constitution. Big Tech news spread lies to benefit the Leftist centralization of power.

One hundred and forty four years (12 x 12) after 1776, the Lord of the Second Advent Sun Myung Moon was born. He taught that Communism is the antithesis of God’s Kingdom.

The Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk, was released by True Father’s anointed heir, Hyung Jin Nim, in December 2015. 
It clarifies that God’s Kingdom, on the foundation of the “growth stage” U.S. Constitution, also rejects centralized power. The Kingship line is dedicated to establishing more kings and priests, not another tyranny. All of us are called to be kings/queens and priests/evangelists in our families and communities as well as to protect our nation.

Book of Life Blessing of Juan Cordoba and Kristine Clark

Supreme Court’s Ruling on Hyung Jin Moon vs FFWPU

As many Unificationists may know, on June 14, 2021 the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit’s “Summary Order” on November 5, 2020 which ruled that in the case of Hyung Jin Moon v. HSAUWC, as a secular court, it does not have jurisdiction in internal church matters. In this Summary Order, the 2nd Circuit referred to earlier rulings which stated:

“Since at least the turn of the century, courts have declined to interfere with ecclesiastical hierarchies, church administration, and appointment of clergy;” and

“First Amendment values are plainly jeopardized when church property litigation is made to turn on the resolution by civil courts of controversies over religious doctrine and practice…The Amendment therefore commands civil courts to decide church property disputes without resolving underlying controversies over religious doctrine.”

Neither the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit nor the Supreme Court ruled that the Family Fed was right or wrong in this dispute, they simply declined to get involved in what they viewed as a church matter involving religious doctrine and practice.

Beyond the pros and cons of this legal case, it is worth noting that the Constitution of the United States of Cheon Il Guk issued by Hyung Jin Nim in December 2015 clearly affirms such strong limits on governmental powers and affirms citizens’ freedoms of speech and religion, as well as rights to self-defense and due process, while the FFWPU’s constitution does not bother to mention such protections of human rights.

In 1983 True Father explained that “After that registration is done, True Father will appoint his successor. That successor must be known to all the Unification Church, all the blessed couples and the True Parents’ family. They must all unanimously accept him. Once that successor is determined, the law or constitution of the Heavenly Kingdom shall be laid down to guide all activities.” SMM, “Parents, Children and the World Centered Upon Oneself,” June 5, 1983.

While we’re discussing legal matters and religious doctrine within the Unification community, Hak Ja Han's testimony in the case is even more enlightening. In her affidavit recorded on March 25, 2019, Hak Ja Han stated her belief that she, unlike Rev. Sun Myung Moon, was born without original sin, and that it was only through marrying her that his original sin was removed.

Her new theological claims must be a shock to hundreds of thousands of Unificationists who studied and believed the teachings contained in the Divine Principle. Family Fed theologians must be furiously at work creating a new “Sinless Only Begotten Daughter Forgave the Sinful Rev. Moon” version at this very moment.

Another innovation on Hak Ja Han’s part occurred a month ago, at the Peace and Blessing event on June 5, when she questioned the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans, asking, “why should people need to have guns at this time? The fact that anyone can own a gun is a problem…We need to change all of these structures.” Her husband, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, was a strong advocate of the right and moral duty of self-defense for all citizens and started a successful firearms company in the 1960s.

It appears that the U.S. courts will be of little assistance to Unificationists seeking whether to follow True Father Sun Myung Moon’s teachings or to embrace Hak Ja Han’s new “Only Begotten Daughter” leftwing religion.


